some of my planes start spinining rapidly when i try and pitch up (sometimes i know what the promblem is, sometimes not) most its most ofthe time when i roll, and pitch for a sharp turn, it then starts spining, any help?
How do i keep my plane from going into a spin when i turn or pitch?
785 SunFireFighters
6.7 years ago
Larger vert stabilizer
@SunFireFighters no swearing on my christian server, delete that before the mods see it
@SunFireFighters happy to help!
@SunFireFighters if you made an extremly realistic b2 spirit? (people usualy use vertical stabilizers but just scale them down using the finetuner mod so that you cant see them.
@Minecraftpoweer why would i not have one?
use vertical stabilizer
@Razor3278 holy crapdude tthanks, i movedthem it works fine now,ALL MY PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN SOLVED
@Razor3278 just checked, they are barley overlapping
@Razor3278 just checked, they are barley overlapping
Maybe the CoM (center of mass, red ball) is too close to the CoL (center of lift, blue ball)? Generally the CoM should be in front of the CoL.