Wouldn't it be awesome if you can implement the Overload and Fine-tuning mods on IOS?
My main question lies on can it be implemented to the game as an option?
Wouldn't it be awesome if you can implement the Overload and Fine-tuning mods on IOS?
My main question lies on can it be implemented to the game as an option?
@Blue0Bull damn you righ
Ok are we done? I swear I'll delete this post if one more comment lands
No, not restricting everything. Developer settings might be useful to some people, but to most, it’s useless. iOS is more secure, faster and better optimised; while android is more customisable @DerekSP
@Rodrigo110 A technological fact of course being simply restricting everything
It’s a well known fact that iOS is more secure than android. It’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of technological facts @DerekSP
@Fancyboots ye congrats
@Rodrigo110 I think you misunderstood me there. I was not saying that Android is more secure, I was only pointing out its feature to enable 3rd party sources, with a big notification popping up warning you that you will be on your own.
The fact that an OS is open source does not make it less secure. In order to get a virus, the user still has to do something. The only way viruses can go into the device "by themselves" is if you connect to an untrusted network, be it WiFi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, or even USB. (EDIT: and visiting sketchy sites, but again, all browsers warn you beforehand) That can be easily prevented by simply not doing it.
From my point of view, iOS is as secure as Android, and any other OS for that matter.
Yes, that would be a great way to do it. I’m not sure why they don’t! It would be great with things like maps, though mods that actually change how the game work might not work. @GeneralOliverVonBismarck
An OS is not an secure as its user! I don’t know where your got that from! Viruses can originate from so many different places that have nothing to do with the fault of the user. The virus that could infect you via Bluetooth is a prime example of that. @DerekSP
Why Android is less safe than iOS is irrelevant, it’s the fact that it is less safe that matters. Apple couldn’t create mod support without opening a ‘hole’ in the software! Allowing mod support is basically allowing code from 3rd parties to change the code in the app that’s downloaded from the App Store. Obviously if they allowed it they’d have to allow it for every app; and that would mean that every single app could be tracking your keystrokes, watching you or listening to you if anything went wrong. You wouldn’t even know about it. Obviously Android has more features, but I find so many of them utterly useless. So many skins to choose from, and most of them look bad; so many options in developer settings; and most of them just cause stupid and weird glitches that aren’t beneficial at all. The thing is, the fact you go downloading things on websites that aren’t completely safe makes it likely that you’ve probably been infected a few times; you just wouldn’t know about it. @Minecraftpoweer
Holy cow didn't expect contraversy to arise
I think you mean lays, not lies. This has been gone over and over. If it were possible it would have been done already.
@Rodrigo110 let me explain why Android is less safe. Number 1 and probably the biggest reason, it is open source anyone can use it and change it for free but manufacturesr will have to pay goolge (owners of Android) to have some google services pre-installed etc. (btw google apps work better on Android) so anyone can just download Android to develop malware and stuff like that but also allows for manufacturers like samsung to change how they want their devices to look.
Number 2, it is the most used os on mobile devices so why not create malware for the most used os when you can? and when the os if opensource?
Also ofcourse they wouldn't allow mods because everyone knows that they wouldnt which is the reason that i said that it would be nice if they did.
And if they are so safe they could probably make something that would allow mods to be available without "creating a hole".
And ok so you can replace a battery for $20, you could probably do it for even less than that in a 3rd party repair shop and yes the screen replacement is expensive but saying that all the 3rd party repair shops have similar price for that doesn't sound true. If they had a very similar price why would people even bother going to a 3rd party shop? because it might be cheaper or they dont have an applestore or a repair shop that is supported by apple.
But that is no reason to try to stop 3rd party repairs. Like bricking phones for replacing parts and then updating and also some might Think that a reason to not go to 3rd party repair shops is because they dont use official parts, well thats not their fault. They litteraly cant buy the parts from apple.
To me the choise for Android is very clear, i have had no problem at all with viruses and malware with any of my devices and i would call myself a more unconventional user rooting all my devices and frequently download stuff from other places than the google playstore. So basically got a ton more features at the cost of getting a virus if i do something stupid online like click on a shady link.I also can get 3rd party repairs without my device not working after i update it.
So could do the same things that i do now on my computer with my Android device on simpleplanes and still not have a viruse while ios users also dont get a irus but they cant do simple things like disable collision.
@Rodrigo110 an OS is as secure as its user allows it to be. You don't need antivirus, firewall, or Windows defender on your PC as long as you know what you're doing. Obviously, if you share your public IP, if you download games from "freeapknovirusipromise.clickbait.download.co.uk", and if you connect to untrusted WLAN networks, then its your problem. iOS could do something like Android with it disabling third party sources by default, with the user being able to enable them on his/her own behalf.
Yes, obviously the mods on this website aren’t dangerous; but it’s not a case of only opening it up for this website. If Apple was to allow modding on SP it would also allow modding everywhere. And not only that, it would creates holes in the software where malware could easily get in via clicking a dodgy ad or something like that. Also, Apple doesn’t cost that much to repair. You can replace an entire battery for only $20! The screen replacement is more expensive, but that’s not Apple; that’s all the 3rd party repair shops. The fact is, Apple is so much more secure than its competitors because it covers all the holes in the software to allow nothing to get in. I think it’s a fairly obvious choice to take being safe on your device rather than being able to download mods on a random game. @Minecraftpoweer
@Rodrigo110 this is why i should write warnings on my comments on this….. listen..... how many mods ont his site do you Think have keyloggers and other things that steal your info? and ofcourse there it is possible that somebody could do that and that is one of the reasons that youg et the Little warning while activating any mod. and much the same way you prefer your privacy (there has not been a popular mod yet that has ahad any malware or anything yet) i prefer to be able to do more stuff with my device and the game and for me to be able to to 3rd party repair on my phone without it bricking my device or for the Company i buy my phone from to sue repair shop owners.
Except for the fact that that would leave Apple devices much less secure to hacking. You know there’s a reason that Apple devices are the best at protecting your private information? I’d take my privacy over some mods on a random game. @Minecraftpoweer
@DepressedTortoise nothing you can do about that except stop buying form them if you dont like them. its the same thing i do.
And if apple wasn’t a controlling money hog. @Minecraftpoweer
wouldn't it be nice if apple allowed mods?
overload would be nice but we can nudge, so we have half of fine tuner (other half is rescale)