I am trying to make replicas, You guys gave me replica Ideas and I would love to make them. But how do I make an accurate replica? anytime I start out on one it looks nothing like the real one. I cant get the dimensions right, and often looks smaller, longer, or shorter than it should be. Can anyone help me?
@F104Deathtrap oh
@Trijets Nope. I just alt-tab between Simple planes and MS paint.
@F104Deathtrap just a question, but are you talking about putting a blueprint INSIDE simpleplanes? And if so, how?
@Trijets Its a bit of math to resize the picture properly, but once that's done you can easily measure anything by using the rectangular selection tool like a tape measure. Just make sure you type out how many pixels per block right there on the picture so you dont forget.
@F104Deathtrap I just eyeball the drawing, most of the time I'm within a few feet but I work with drawings everyday so mby it's easier for me. Wiki tends to have width and lengths which give you the extremes, the rest is just about proportion :)
@RamboJutter I feel bad about telling people how I do this stuff because there's probably a better, faster way than counting pixels in MSpaint.
@F104Deathtrap hmmm, intresting. I will try that.
@F104Deathtrap I saw the title of this and clicked on it just to tag you only to see you where already commenting :)
Find a three-view diagram (sometimes called a blueprint or an orthographic).
Each block in Simpleplanes is 0.5 meters. So look up the wing span of the plane (in meters) on wikipedia and multiply that number by two, that's how you figure out many blocks wide the wings should be.
Open up the three-view picture and resize it so that one block is ten pixels. Then you can use the selection tool to measure any part of the plane and easily know what size to make it in the game.
@Trijets you can check if the blueprint has listed dimensions.
There’s a tool in the game that’s shows the length, width, height, weight, and more of what you’re building.
If a blueprint has those listed in numbers, (example: 100ft length, 50ft width/wingspan, 15 foot height, 50K weight) then you can adjust your replica until it matches.
If you need anything else I’d be happy to help
@DisferGoatz I mean you did help a little, but the real problem is how I copy off the blueprint to make the shape look as realistic as possible.
You can search up blueprints of the thing you’re trying to build, and build off those. You can also search up dimensions of the thing and copy that into your replica.