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Trident Motorsport Challenge Series - Unique cars rewarded to top 3 winners

4,860 skyeye1209  6.7 years ago

Trident Motorsports Series

This is the Trident Motorsport Series, composed of three challenges: Top SimpleDragster, Formula S, and NationalOvalCar (NATOCAR). Anyone can enter, so long as their vehicle matches the rules. A participant can partake in any and/or all three challenges, and the top 3 participants will be rewarded a unique vehicle related to said challenge. You may do just one or two, or tackle all three if you so choose. Here are the rules to the challenges:

Top SimpleDragster:

Create the fastest dragster ever.


2) Limit of 1 or 2 Car Engines
3) No thrust engines; no propellers, jets, rockets, or thrusters allowed. All vehicles must be wheel-driven.

Event: Take a video of yourself using your vehicle in the SimplePlanes mission "Land Speed Record". Don't worry about actually passing the challenge; no wheel-driven car can ever do that. The challenge is a straight line down Wright Airport runway, and at the end, it will show you your speed. Either PM me the video link, or post it as a reply here.

To win the reward, you must score within the top 3 highest speeds of all entrants.

The car doesn't necessarily need to survive after the race, and it's probably most weight-efficient to only load as much fuel as you need to get to the other side, and no more.

Formula S

The fastest circuit car.

2) Limit of 1 or 2 Car Engines
3) Cars must be wheel-driven, and no other powerplant other than Car Engines are allowed.
3) Any drivetrain is allowed; four wheel drive, rear wheel drive, stagger drive, etc.
4) Downforce-generating devices are reccomended.

Event: Simply take a video of your car completing the Gold Prix challenge. Top 3 fastest lap times win. If multiple people tie for fastest lap time, they all get the reward. Either PM me the video link, or reply it here.

Will you go single-engine lightweight or dual-engine muscle? Open-wheel weight reduction or closed-wheel drag reduction? It's all up to you, good luck!



2) Cars must be wheel-driven, and only Car Engines are allowed.
3) Limit of 1 or 2 engines
4) Car must not be 100% symmetrical
5) The vehicle must not touch any walls.

Event: Record your vehicle completing 5 FULL LAPS of Oval Office, starting from a rolling start (do not count your first lap, as that would be a standing start). I will personally review the video, marking the second when your car begins its' first rolling lap, and the second when it ends its' fifth lap. Either PM me the video link, or reply it here.

To receive the reward vehicle, you must be within top 3 of highest lap times.

Asymmetry is useful for this one; all you're doing is turning left anyways!


The reward vehicles can be seen in this imgur album:

FS18 Quattro - Reward for top 3 Formula S winners. Adjustable downforce (use yaw trim), four-wheel drive with a 56.5% traction bias to the rear, as well as air brakes (use right yaw). You can even configure the wings to produce lift, if for some reason you don't like being stable. The wheels are lightly cambered for best turning performance. Functioning headlights, taillights, left/right blinkers, and brake lights.

Wheelspeed5 - Reward for top 3 Top SimpleDragster winners. Maximum speed of 450 mph, and briefly balances a wheelie between the front axle and wheelie bar. The wing is functional, and without it, the vehicle is very unstable. Possibly the fastest wheel-driven vehicle in SimplePlanes history.

Javelin Ovaleer - Reward for top 3 NationalOvalCar (NATOCAR) winners. Everything about it, including wheel toe, wing angle, wheel camber, centre of pressure, centre of mass, etc., is entirely designed for high-speed stable left turns. Capable of holding over 270 mph in the Oval Office track.

Once you have received your vehicle, do what you like with it. Modify it, post it, etc etc.

The deadline for video submissions is Sunday, 5 August, 2018, 10 days from now. Good luck!

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    4,860 skyeye1209

    Results are in, apparently ALL entrants won because we simply didn't have enough! Ah well, it's all good.

    Hit me up with an email or (preferably) Discord tag and I'll send you the links to your vehicles.

    @DemonSniper8 will get a reward for Formula S
    @CoBros2 will get a reward for Top SimpleDragster

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    @SkyEyeMCCIX sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo who won?

    6.7 years ago
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    2,107 CoBros2

    @SkyEyeMCCIX who won?

    6.7 years ago
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    2,107 CoBros2

    Just saying it has a xml modded engine but the power is less than if you had 2 engines at max power, mine is 1020hp while 2 engines reach 1200hp. If you want it can be changed. Here is the car.

    6.7 years ago
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    2,107 CoBros2

    @SkyEyeMCCIX alright I will when it is ready

    6.7 years ago
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    4,860 skyeye1209

    @CoBros2 I suppose I could do it for you. Send me a link to the vehicle, or post it if you want to.

    6.7 years ago
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    2,107 CoBros2

    I don't think my device has anything to record and I'm doing the drag race. Can you just use it

    6.7 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    Also, put up a video of your wheelspeed5 dragster. I'll beat it in my Draken xD

    6.7 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    @SkyEyeMCCIX weight, balancing, the right amount of engine power. Might enter a dragster or the nascar thing, not sure
    Could go faster in the F1 car, but then it'd be full F1 style, with the same crazy speed feeling. This one's pretty tame lolz

    6.7 years ago
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    4,860 skyeye1209


    Holy hell you hit 500+ mph

    I dunno how you did that, because even my dragster which I worked on for hours to get the balance right, only hits 450

    Good job yo

    6.7 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    @Jetpackturtle I'd be shocked xD

    6.7 years ago
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    @DemonSniper8 XD i'd love to see someone beat that

    6.7 years ago
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    i may do the drag but who knows when I'll get my PC working

    6.7 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8
    6.7 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    Uploading for Formula S.
    no modded parts, pretty low HP, insane downforce.

    6.7 years ago
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    4,860 skyeye1209

    @MechWARRIOR57 Stagger drive is an odd powertrain where you power two staggered wheels; the front-left wheel and the rear-right wheel, or the front-right wheel and rear-left wheel. It could be useful for oval racing, where asymmetry is important, but for normal cars it's practically useless.

    Good luck on your builds!

    6.7 years ago
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    what is stagger drive? and ill start working ASAP

    6.7 years ago
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    4,860 skyeye1209

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer Aha! My first victim!

    Which challenge(s) will you take on?

    6.7 years ago