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38.0k IzzyIA  6.7 years ago

So, I have a location saved that is basically space. It is a zero-g environment and, obviously, wheels don’t really have much use up there. So I was bored one day, and I created a giant wheel to house the car that would be driving on the inside of it. So basically I spin the giant circle, and then detach the car and let centrifugal force act like gravity. It worked better than I thought it would which is why I love it. Here is a vid showing it working:


(Sorry the images are blurry idk what’s wrong with imgur rn)

I might post the craft. The only downside is that you have to have a location saved that is very high.

P.S. Only cars that run on engines that don’t require air can work with this, since this is very high in the atmosphere. That is why I use a gyro-powered car

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    29.1k TigerEye35

    Can't wait!

    6.7 years ago
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    38.0k IzzyIA

    I don’t know what that means, but I play on iPad so that may be why @arcues

    6.7 years ago
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    8,354 arcues

    @IzzyIA you can. Copy and paste to location numbers from the cloud settings

    6.7 years ago
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    38.0k IzzyIA

    I am now officially a verified Simple Surgeon @BaconEggs

    6.7 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    you basically made @Gravity out of only plastic surgery

    6.7 years ago
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    38.0k IzzyIA

    It works in any free fall environment, you could be falling from 1000 feet up if you wanted, but drag will affect it, and you also won’t be staying in the air for very long since you are not very high @villulennuk

    6.7 years ago
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    4,272 villulennuk

    Can you try if it works close to the ground

    6.7 years ago
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    38.0k IzzyIA

    Can’t argue against that @Gravity

    6.7 years ago
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    29.2k destroyerP

    Finally someone get good use with that relaxing music @Stellarlabs

    6.7 years ago
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    8,752 Gravity

    Yeah well I'm natural Gravity soooooooooo

    +3 6.7 years ago
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    looks good!

    6.7 years ago
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    36.3k DbE

    interstellar music

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    38.0k IzzyIA

    Yeah just go up lol @DerekSP

    6.7 years ago
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    45.1k DerekSP

    @IzzyIA yes it is possible, but overly complicated so nvm. Alright so I just go up... I thought it's some glitch or whatever lol

    6.7 years ago
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    38.0k IzzyIA

    I don’t think it’s possible to share locations, but you can either use my rocket thing I posted earlier in the comments, or just get a modded engine and blast your way super high @DerekSP

    6.7 years ago
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    45.1k DerekSP

    Oy vey could you share the location? Or is it easy to reach and I'm just too lazy?

    6.7 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    Yes that’s also a centrifuge.
    All a centrifuge is is a machine (or craft) that creates an outward force due to centrifugal forces when it spins @IzzyIA

    6.7 years ago
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    38.0k IzzyIA

    Oh I see. I thought you were talking about those little machines that spins things super fast for like medicine and stuff XD @Mattangi2

    6.7 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    No I mean the literal scientific term for a craft that can produce artificial gravity is a centrifuge.
    It has 2 definitions.

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    38.0k IzzyIA

    Hmm I never thought of it like a centrifuge, but yeah that makes sense @Mattangi2

    6.7 years ago
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    29.1k Mattangi2

    It’s called a centrifuge buddy :)

    +2 6.7 years ago
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    38.0k IzzyIA

    Lol thanks. Btw I created a craft a while ago here that can bring you around 3 million feet. You can also just use a modded engine if you want. @CSP27

    6.7 years ago
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    3,679 CSP27

    Realises don't have high spot spawn
    Still awesome

    6.7 years ago