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I may not be posting for a long, long time.

9,332 InternationalAircraftCompany  6.6 years ago

My iPad has decided to sort of die on me. I plugged it in for a while, and when I came back, the screen said "iPad is disabled; connect to iTunes." I look on the internet for how to fix it, tried to fix it, and became ANGERED when it didn't work. This means that I have no access to SP. To people who are in the C&C RP, I won't be able to use Discord.
I'm having to type this from my 3DS.
I have discovered the magical thing called the Discord website. I can use Discord now.
-another edit-
My iPad is fixed, but it had to be wiped. My last backup is from January so any and all projects I have been working for the past 7 months has been deleted. Sorry.

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    greetings @DisferGoatz

    5.8 years ago
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    16.1k DisferGoatz

    Well that sucks. I had something like that happen once, but the screen went invisible for several minutes before it ressurected itself.

    Also, hello fellow 3DS pl4y3r

    6.6 years ago
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    I won't be able to use the C&C Discord for possibly a very long time. I hope that counts as a valid reason why I won't be on for mor than 5 days in a row. @Pilotmario

    6.6 years ago