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Some engine XML question

13.1k CruzerBlade  6.4 years ago

I want to make a realistic APU using the afterburner engine thingy, although it won't actually do anything, only creating a sound that is similar to a real APU. What I want to ask is:
1. How to reduce fuel usage on an engine?
2. How to change the input to any activation group? I mean the power input for the engine is coming from an activation group.
Optional question: How do you change engine sound? (This question is for you, @DPSAircraftManufacturer)

Well I think that's all. Any answers are appreciated!

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    @CruzerBlade Here's a link to the most complete XML guide know of. It covers how to change input controllers etc.

    Courtesy of WNP78

    +3 6.4 years ago
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    13.1k CruzerBlade

    @F104Deathtrap more fuel for more sound, simpleplanes logic lol
    and thanks for the answer!

    6.4 years ago
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    Engine sound is closely tied to fuel consumption, even tho it has almost nothing to do with engine power. Weird, huh?

    I'll explain. Each engine has a set amount of fuel it consumes at 100% throttle (different for each engine, of course). At different throttle settings, that fuel consumption changes: 50% throttle- 50% consumption etc.

    There is an engine power multiplier, but it does not affect fuel consumption at all. So to create a hyper-efficient engine, you just set the max throttle setting to something very small (.01 for instance) and then multiply the engine power to compensate (in this case, 100).

    The problem here, is that engine noise is tied to throttle setting. In order to get a nice, loud engine, it has to be throttled up which means it has to be consuming considerable amounts of fuel. You can sometimes get around this problem for planes with multiple engines by only using one, small Blasto-50 hidden somewhere to give you sound and use larger, silent, xml modded engines to move the plane.

    But generally, more sound = more fuel consumed. Also, you can change the max throttle setting above 1 to change the sound of the engine, 2 or 3 usually makes it sound very different.

    +6 6.4 years ago
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    @CruzerBlade im still not 100 on question 1 and the optional question

    +2 6.4 years ago
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    13.1k CruzerBlade

    @Minecraftpoweer thank you!

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    For number 1 i'm actually not sure because i never do it but i suspect that the max input is low like 0.25 and the Power multiplier is 4 making it work the same (just what i Think)
    For number 2 make the input "Activate1" or "Activate2" and so on.

    Foptional question: Im pretty sure that it also has to do something with input because a lower input reduces sound i do Believe.

    +4 6.4 years ago