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Out of random curiosity..what are your guys point of view on "Top fuel drag racing"?

1,723 PixleArtist  6.6 years ago

For those who do not know what a Top fuel dragster is or haven't even heard of the sport, drag cars more specifically top fuelers are ran on a V8 motor powered by nitromethane and not gasoline, they do not have a transmission but they do have a clutch and run on Raw engine power... They have the power of going 400mph (643kpm) in 4 seconds. They race on a quarter-mile strip and obviously whoever passes the Finish Line first wins. Consumables and replaceable items on the engine are just about everything besides the block itself varying from Pistons, camshafts, push rods, valves, Etc. Top fuel drag racers have 10,000 horse power and must have their engines re built after each run due to the fact that their engines have practically destroyed itself each race. Top fuel dragracer

I was bored and happened to be watching videos about these land vehicles and a thought stumbled across my mind wondering if anyone on this site shared the see interest
Rude or unnecessary comments will simply be ignored, I know how some of the users are on here lol!

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    1,723 PixleArtist

    @FastDan that is what I do. The car is so loud it shakes the ground and warps your eardrum giving you that feeling of cleaning your ears with a Q-tip LOL if you're lucky you'll see an engine explode

    +1 6.6 years ago
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    5,841 FastDan

    If I were to watch one of those I would say far above the stadium where I could see the whole track.

    6.6 years ago
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    1,723 PixleArtist

    Oh and real quick these cars do not have breaks they rely on parachutes to slow down, not only that but their five disc clutch welds together due to the sheer amount of heat put on them and the engines do not have radiators the fuel of nitromethane cools the engine down because it burns cold

    6.6 years ago