this list is for those who have difficulty finding unique designs and are discouraged by the fact that there is more than one of a certain aircraft on simple planes. for you i have found these unique and semi-obscure aircraft.
i highly recommend you bookmark and share this page if you are a active player
Hughes x11
this plane is highly recommended for someone who is familiar with the p38 and counterrotating propellors. it seems like a easy plane to design and seems to be very flexible with levels of effort and skill
Arado ar196
this german seaplane is a somewhat challenging plane (due to the unique engine) but appears to be a plane that would yield wonderful results if done correctly.
highly recommended for people familiar with seaplanes and stylizing engines
(personal note: it would be very easy to build a biplane version)
german seaplanes in general are a unvisited subject that would yield original and unique results in simple planes but this seaplane is somewhat more uniquely designed than most.
This plane could prove challenging for those who dont have the basics of adjusting wingspan/fuselage length down. highly recommended for those familiar with seaplanes and the p38s twin boom design. this seaplane will need details and a little more dedication (not for bronze or below)
Leduc 0.10
This wonderful gem was rene Leduc's remarkable pioneering work into ramjets. looking truly out of this world this would be a very unique and popular aircraft on the simpleplanes community but you'll have to use modded probably. it does not seem difficult to make. recommended for those familiar with early cold war mig designs
Convair b58 Hustler
this supersonic nuclear bomber had arrived and disappeared due to the rapid developments in SAMs at the time
This sleek beauty will be a very challenging bomber to build due to its delta wing design and nice cockpit. it is a design that will demand attention towards its engine and cockpit thus those familiar with both would be recommended to build this design i have no doubt though that if done properly it will be in the first page of highest rated if done correctly
a massive Russian bomber during ww2 this aircraft will be extremely demanding to make and will take large amounts of finesse and detail. it would require a skilled player to pull this off
Miles m39b libellula
This was a model of a never achieved bomber project so it will require some imagination to build. this bomber (or fighter if you wish) will require basic familiarity with wing fine-tuning but will be a unique design. it does not appear challenging if you use a large modded ww2 cockpit and the modern engines already in simple-planes
this is a aircraft from gta5 that appears to be a modified twin beech i would recommend it for those familiar with turret mechanics. it seems like a very fun aircraft to fly
btw THANKS FOR GOLD EVERYONE!!! i know im not that active anymore but i decided to give y'all some help
I dont like war planes
Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.
Oh jeez no I haven't...
I bet it ends up with LOTS of sink holes lol.
that last one's the mogul
It's kinda useless seeing as pretty much every plane in gta can hold bombs
@JohnnyBoythePilot very sneeki breeki. have you ever seen that clip where someone drops a vodka molotov cocktail down a manhole and blows up the street?
The Pe-8 looks like the B-17's commie brother who's made of stalinium and runs on vodka.
@CruzerBlade XD nah ive seen that thing on the sp community a couple times btw if you guys ever want an extra upvote or spotlight dont hesitate to mention me
@AdlerSteiner eh. ive had a good experience on the simpleplanes community and made some friends but i really dont have the dedication to build anything anymore
@breitling Miles m39b libellula He interested me, maybe I will build it
Nah...I’m not gonna...besides I’m quitting this stupid game. All i hear and get here was a lot of criticism...thought they’re perfect. This game was suppose to be fun back then people were kind and all that.
Antonov A-40
btw cause i dont want to bug you all please go here
@ ThePilotDude
@ Strikefighter04
@ getorge