I am having trouble building a realistic Yaw control for my WIP Bush Plane. It jerks to the right/left and when the yaw is released it jerks back. I know that in real life it jerks back some but not to it’s original position.
I am having trouble building a realistic Yaw control for my WIP Bush Plane. It jerks to the right/left and when the yaw is released it jerks back. I know that in real life it jerks back some but not to it’s original position.
@CRJ900Pilot yep
Is the build 400+ parts? So I can help and try I guess
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Yeah that’s probably from drag caused by the side of the plane that kinda works like a wing a little bit. Yeah just give the side of your plane drag and it’ll work I guess. @Chancey21
Not all the way at least in a 172 @jamesPLANESii
Wait but in real life they do resume their original heading... @InternationalAircraftCompany
He means that when the rudder is set back to neutral, the plane doesn’t resume its previous heading like it does in SP. @jamesPLANESii
BTW what do you mean that it doesn’t jerk back into it’s original position irl?
Ok @jamesPLANESii
You have a wing in the tail with a yaw surface on it. If it’s a bush plane, make the surface take up about 2/3 of the wing.
For me it’s trial and error
At your aircraft's CoM, place another verticle stabilizer in the body without any control surface, exactly at CoM. Then, re-edit the yaw control surface size or position or both, until the yaw is stable
What is it? @Delphinos
there is a trick, hehehe
Possibly @MrSilverWolf
Thanks @EternalDarkness
I’ve fly light planes all the time and they don’t act like that @CruzerBlade
You need a few more vertical stabilizers throughout the build to simulate yaw dampening effect of the fuselage. Fuselage adds some yaw stability. Also, make the rudder rotator slower.
Actually, that's how yaws work in real life. What makes IRL planes doesn't wobble after the yaw is released is because the pilots release the yaw slowly, not instantly.
This opinion is based on my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong.
@Chancey21 for me it usualy works fine and doesn't wobble back and forward. sometimes it does make the plane pitch up but i Think it can be fixed by placing Another one below and just making that one even smaller
Possibly having just a scaled down wing on a rotor in the ruder set to 50% speed or something like that?
It doesn’t ACT right @Minecraftpoweer
I know that @Minecraftpoweer
If you make a very big vertical stabilizer and use finetuner to scale it down it has the same characteristics but looks small and it usualy works