War...war never changes. I still have flashbacks to the time I saw a convoy truck fly by at 20,000 feet. Oh, the humanity. Planes with more Cleavers than you could possibly imagine in your wildest dreams. Nothing but death. War never changes.
Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot!
Znamya Sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye
Pust' ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!
Skvoz’ grozy siyalo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin veliky nam put’ ozaril:
Nas vyrastil Stalin – na vernost’ narodu,
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil!
Skvoz’ grozy siyalo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin veliky nam put’ ozaril:
Nas vyrastil Stalin – na vernost’ narodu,
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil!
Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Schast'ya narodov nadyozhny oplot!
Znamya Sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye
Pust' ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!
My armiyu nashu rastili v srazhen’yakh,
Zakhvatchikov podlykh s dorogi smetyom!
My v bitvakh reshayem sud’bu pokoleny,
My k slave Otchiznu svoyu povedyom!
Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Slavy narodov nadyozhny oplot!
Znamya Sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye
Pust' ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!
War...war never changes. I still have flashbacks to the time I saw a convoy truck fly by at 20,000 feet. Oh, the humanity. Planes with more Cleavers than you could possibly imagine in your wildest dreams. Nothing but death. War never changes.
@CursedFlames @Blue0Bull if you want i can translate this to Slovak characters or english
well done, comrade ))))
Soviet anthem starts playing
Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh
Splotila naveki velikaya Rus’!
Da zdravstvuyet sozdanny voley narodov
Yediny, moguchy Sovetsky Soyuz!
Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot!
Znamya Sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye
Pust' ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!
Skvoz’ grozy siyalo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin veliky nam put’ ozaril:
Nas vyrastil Stalin – na vernost’ narodu,
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil!
Skvoz’ grozy siyalo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin veliky nam put’ ozaril:
Nas vyrastil Stalin – na vernost’ narodu,
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil!
Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Schast'ya narodov nadyozhny oplot!
Znamya Sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye
Pust' ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!
My armiyu nashu rastili v srazhen’yakh,
Zakhvatchikov podlykh s dorogi smetyom!
My v bitvakh reshayem sud’bu pokoleny,
My k slave Otchiznu svoyu povedyom!
Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Slavy narodov nadyozhny oplot!
Znamya Sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye
Pust' ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!
yes I may or may not be a communist
I can just imagine the pilot yelling FOR THE MOTHERLAND over the intercoms
Fire....fire everywhere.
Not cleaver enough @Awsomur
@Potato21 Because that's what it looks like in the pics.
I will make an even better one.@Chancey21
Yah I just slapped a bunch of bombs on one of my old planes. @jamesPLANESii
ignores the fact that there are like a million cleavers on the plane and instead gets triggered by the landing gear position
Not enough cleavers
Better than when I got bored and made Baldi
Screw it
That is the pinnacle of air strike strategy right there yes sir
This is the perfect plane for terrorists but please post it @Potato21
[rowdy crowd chanting]
i would not trust simpleplanes in landing that, however smooth you land it...…. kaboom
Ummm.... I guess@FastDan
They become terrorist?