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How do I see the exact middle of my airplane?

0 Sheepy0125  6.6 years ago

I want to make VTOL planes but it's really hard to get the COM in the exact center; often times it tilts forwards and backwards when I takeoff. Is there a mod out there that can do this? If not, could someone please make one? Thanks

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    3,679 CSP27

    @Sheepy0125 Idk
    Depends on the Aircraft
    Bigger it is, Bigger shall be the dead Weight

    6.6 years ago
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    @CSP27 Yeah, but how much dead weight do I need to get to the exact center of the aircraft? That's what I'm asking

    6.6 years ago
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    3,679 CSP27

    @Sheepy0125 yeah, deadweight or fuel Can help

    6.6 years ago
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    @CSP27 What I was talking about was that the COM was either too close to the front of the plane or back. I can't get the COM in the middle of the aircraft.

    6.6 years ago
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    3,679 CSP27

    The left most
    On The second Line from up to down
    Then click
    Try to put engine closest of here
    Then use RCs nozzles with the VTOL Engine
    And adjust so that the com is perfectly on The engine

    6.6 years ago