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Random bouts of lag?

297 BrendoB47  6.5 years ago

After a while, I started playing SP today. I was using graphics settings I used before on my laptop, which is a fairly decent one: I used mostly high graphics(except shadows. The complex ones are annoying and too.. ugh everything). Well, I started playing is an ME--262 I downloaded a while ago that ran perfectly fine, and as I left Yeager airport and headed towards the bridge, I got what must've been 30 seconds of lag, with no time passing in-game. I lowered the graphics, physics, did stuff in Task Manager to no avail. I never had this before and am wondering if this happens to anyone else too. BTW, this never happens on any other game, including Kerbal Space Program and other somewhat computer- intense games.

EDIT: Sometimes, after this lag, the game crashes.EDIT 2:Although the lag strikes at random times, it WILL lag if you press a control such as WASD, Enter, or Trim.

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    297 BrendoB47

    @Gestour Yes. I have used them for a while without interference. They include a few maps and some missions so I'll skip those for now, unless you want them. They are: Hyperloop (editor design, not enabled) Overload (the obvious, enabled) Refuel (enabled) TimeManipulation (enabled) Tournament Validator(enabled) Weapons Bay Fuselage(enabled) Xray(enabled)

    6.5 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    Do you have any mods enabled?

    +1 6.5 years ago