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Ships that are worth building

141k BaconEggs  6.7 years ago

While I was grinding my teeth and clenching my fists at the thought of cadmium, I put together a list of some ships that are worth putting a lot of effort into.

  1. Core Dynamics Federal Corvette

    Basically a freedom laser pointer.
    The Federal Corvette is the smallest warship deployed by the Federal Navy. It is a quick, hard hitting vessel also capable of transporting cargo and personnel. Its versatility makes it the most common vessel of the Federal Navy that most people will encounter. It can be found everywhere, on long range patrol, peace keeping, pirate suppression, in fact anywhere the navy wishes to maintain a solid presence without deploying one of the Farragut Class Battlecruisers. It is possible, but extremely rare, for a private citizen to own one of these vessels. The ship can carry and deploy two small fighter class ships, although civilian versions are restricted to a single fighter.

  2. Origin Jumpworks 600i

    Let the voyage begin with the 2947 600i from Origin Jumpworks. This multi-role luxury vessel from Origin Jumpworks features an exquisitely detailed hull design that balances performance and versatility in a sleek and timeless form. The 600i is designed with a cutting-edge modular technology, allowing you to customize your ship for your needs. Taking the family on a long-distance trip across the stars? The Touring module lets your guests relax in ease with stunning furniture from some of the Empire's top designers.

  3. Lakon Spaceways Alliance Chieftain
    ](<em>chieftain</em>by_tettris11-dc1e8x4.png<br />

    The Alliance Chieftain has been designed not only to dish out punishment, but to avoid it. Manufactured by Lakon Spaceways, the Chieftain is more manoeuvrable than ships of similar size and weight, and its combat profile means it can more than hold its own in a fight. The ship also boasts three internal military compartments, allowing the pilot to equip a shield cell bank, hull reinforcements and module reinforcements.

  4. Aegis Avenger Stalker

    Initially designed as a frontline carrier for the military, the Avenger Stalker took a different path, ultimately having a long and storied career as the standard patrol craft of the UEE Advocacy. Utilizing its cargo hold for prisoner transport, the Avenger features a sturdy, reliable hull and the capacity for larger-than-expected engine mounts.

  5. Lakon Spaceways Diamondback Explorer

    The Diamondback Explorer was Lakon Spaceways' response to criticism of the original Diamondback ship class. By extending the ship's frame it allowed greater cargo capacity and so greater mission variety and endurance. It also brought the ship more into line as a smaller brother to the successful Asp line although at much more modest price range. The Explorer model can fulfill the same roles as its companion ship type, but is also able to operate as a fast transport and resupply vessel useful for supporting deep space operations in a hostile environment.

  6. Faulcon DeLacy Python

    Another classic design that has survived the centuries. The first vessel was constructed in 2700 by Whatt and Pritney Ship Constructions. With the demise of the company, and after various mergers and takeovers, the ship design is now owned by Faulcon DeLacy. The ship remains the slow and sturdy craft it was originally famous for and some smaller navies still use this class as patrol cruisers (although tiny compared to the Imperial Interdictors and Federal Battlecruisers).

  7. Every ship from Elite Dangerous

    Knock yourself out doing all of these. I should note that picture is outdated, seeing as the Type 10, Chieftain, Krait Mk.II, Dolphin, and Challenger are not seen.

All of those descriptions are the ones from Elite and it's 1300 year lore, and from other various sources.

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  • Profile image
    141k BaconEggs

    @JetWondy I've been thinking of doing the Orville for a while, I might do that after I finish my other stuffs.

    6.5 years ago
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    11.1k JetWondy

    How about the USS Orville?

    6.5 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    @CursedFlames The fdl looks awe-inspiring to me, I dont see what's wrong with it. Imperial design is amazing in concept, but each ship has their own birth defects that put me off

    6.7 years ago
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    3,010 CursedFlames

    @BaconEggs Sorry, but the Fer de Lance certainly is not a good looking ship in my books. I guess I like the DBX and imperial vessels more. I do have to agree though, after looking at Dreadnought ships, that they are essentially flying blocks.

    6.7 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    @Ephwurd to you they may be, but to me they're just blocks of cheese with spikes on them. This is eye candy to me.

    6.7 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    @CursedFlames @DerekSP do any of you play it at all

    6.7 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    Check out the ships from Dreadnought. They're pure eye candy

    6.7 years ago
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    45.1k DerekSP

    @CursedFlames only four.

    6.7 years ago
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    3,010 CursedFlames

    I do want to know, how many people on here play elite?

    6.7 years ago
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    35.1k AdlerSteiner

    When i thought of the Title at first i thought, Captain Philipps Ship he was sailing, including the Pirates XD

    6.7 years ago