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Wing Flex

3,000 merasmusthewizard  6.5 years ago

I’ve noticed that both structural and primary wings have a considerable amount of flex at the root, and this is especially apparent on larger aircraft. This presents a problem if you try to cover the wings with structural parts, which do not move, as the wings will clip through. Is there a way to make the wings “stiffer” so they don’t move as much?

I am an iOS user so mods (other than XML) won’t work.

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    True! (I just thought it was funny how you made such a similar post to me!) @Amaker

    6.5 years ago
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    When somebody makes the same post as you! :)

    6.5 years ago
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    3,010 CursedFlames

    @Amaker Sorry I couldn't help.

    6.5 years ago
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    54.3k CoolPeach

    Structural wings shouldn’t flex

    6.5 years ago
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    3,010 CursedFlames

    I've been messing around with the wings for the past ten minutes and so far I'm pretty stumped. A few semi-adequate solutions I could think of are:

    • Attach the structural parts directly to the wing, so the parts flex with the wing; this could potentially be more realistic
    • Make the wing out of the structural wings except where you need control surfaces; keep normal wings to a minimum. There might still be flex however, just reduced.
    • Scale down the wings, hide them in the structural parts. Make sure the parts are thick enough to conceal the wings and the flex. The first example I could think of is found in this plane. (This might be the best method)

    Although all of these methods aren't simple fixes, and there are probably better alternatives, these are the best I could think of.

    6.5 years ago