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(RP) Situation in New Bohemia stabilized

302 NewBohemia  6.6 years ago

After months of riots and civil wars on the island of New Bohemia, the situation seems to have stabilized once again.
The Parliament was overthrown by the Workers' Party, and many other governing bodies such as the air force and army have also had their leaders changed.
The Workers' Party promises to recover the suffering economical situation of New Bohemia by nationalizing many of the key industries that are responsible for the majority of Bohemian exports.
The largest industry - the Skychaser Aerospace Company - has not been nationalized, under the promise that it will help develop new military assets of New Bohemia.
After a survey, 87% of the public agrees with the Workers' Party, 10% wants the Parliament back, and 3% expressed that they do not care.
The change of the governing body also meant that all old diplomatic connections have been dropped, with New Bohemia "starting again".
No individual nation has yet expressed their stance towards New Bohemia, however many people from around the world have accused New Bohemia of going down the communist path, with the Workers' Party rejecting such claims.

New Bohemian Times

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    I wouldn't say they're going down the Communistic route, just a Socialist one.

    6.6 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    Seitwälder was an ally of the old New Bohemia. I would say that the cabinet is deciding what to do but it's almost empty lol I'm gonna watch from afar for now

    6.6 years ago
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    6.6 years ago
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    45.1k DerekSP

    @NewBohemia You are threatening the busyness of Skychaser Company, we rely heavily on exports to foreign nations.

    6.6 years ago
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    @DerekSP For the first time are we truly independent and caring about our people. We still respect you as the CEO of Skychaser Aerospace, but you are no longer able to directly control the government.

    6.6 years ago
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    45.1k DerekSP

    What have you done to my nation...

    6.6 years ago