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Amino app

2,539 squideater56  6.5 years ago

Anybody use amino? If so i just made a new simpleplanes amino for everyone who wants to chat, share and create in a small community together, amino is a fantastic app for comnunities to thrive and really show off what they can do, come join amino today become a member of the simpleplanes amino

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    2,539 squideater56

    @FastDan not everybody uses or know how to use discord, its surpising really, animo is a lot easier to use, and the website isnt good for communication when it comes to collaborations and also some people like to rp this stuff so having place thats easy to use to do it is fantastic place.

    6.5 years ago
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    5,841 FastDan

    Why do we need amino when we have the SP site and discord?

    6.5 years ago