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(RP) Recent history of New Bohemia, and current events

302 NewBohemia  6.6 years ago

We have recently issued a statement regarding the stabilization of our nation's situation, however, we have failed to describe what events led to the civil war and subsequent reformation.

If you were following our reports, you noticed that we stopped releasing them not long after the Cobra terrorist group was defeated.
As a response to Cobra, New Bohemia started to focus more at it's military to ensure that it will be able to defend itself against any threats.
When the leader of Cobra was captured, the public of NB was expecting the Parliament - the main governing body at the time - to once again focus more at economics and overall growth of the nation.
This, however was not the case, with extreme measures such as mandatory military service being enforced.
The most controversial move of the Parliament was redirecting most of the budget towards military.
This continued for a long time, resulting in the major businesses that were not owned by state going bankrupt, and the entire economy of NB failing.

The controversy ended, when a cyber attack by a rebel group funded by the Workers' Party managed to leak documents of the Parliament, revealing that 75% of the 'military' budget was in fact taken by the Parliament itself.
The money was soon tracked down to end in the pockets of individual Parliament members, who at the time owned ridiculously large mansions and overseas private islands.

The public was informed, and outraged.
The approval rate of the Parliament soon dropped from near-100% to virtually nothing.
The elections were to take place soon, with the two major candidates being the Parliament and the Workers' Party.
Unsurprisingly, the Workers' Party won by a landslide, and was expected to completely replace the Parliament.
The Parliament accused the WP of rigging the elections, and called for a new round to take place.

That resulted in an unstable state in which both the Workers' Party and the Parliament claimed that they are the current leader of New Bohemia, and ordered the other one to be prosecuted.
The public was obviously on the WP side, and as a last resort, the Parliament called in its privately funded armies to resist and disperse any protests.
That sparked the civil war, in which supporters of the Workers' Party fought the private army of the Parliament.

At one point, the citizens with the Workers' Party controlled basically the entire island of New Bohemia, with all of its assets. The Parliament and its army walled themselves off in the downtown of the Capital and threatened to use their remaining military assets to straight up slaughter everyone in vicinity.
The Workers' Party, seeing that there was no other solution of the conflict, called for evacuation of the Capital, and scrambled a fleet of nuclear bombers to conduct multiple low passes over the Parliament building.

The Parliament, upon seeing that the WP is not afraid to eradicate a part of its own city, quickly surrendered, under the circumstances that their members will be left to escape New Bohemia.
The Workers' Party agreed, and provided the Parliament with a single transport aircraft to fly them to one of their private islands.
Soon after its departure, the aircraft was reported to crash into the ocean, with no survivors. It is, however, very likely that it was fabricated by the Parliament so they won't be trailed.

The Workers' Party soon repopulated the Capital and immediately started to recover the economic state of New Bohemia.

After that, we, the Workers' Party, have released our initial statement, with the unfortunate bombing raids of by the F.R.U. taking place soon after.

And that is the story that led to the demise of the Principality of New Bohemia, and creation of the People's Republic of New Bohemia.

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    @Aarons123 The Bohemian Defence Alliance has been a thing of the past for a long time now. The member states have betrayed our trust, resulting in the dissolution of BDA. We can, however, establish new trade routes on our behalf. During the time we were quiet, we invested a lot into our own space program and have sufficient technology for interplanetary resource transport.

    6.1 years ago
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    16.4k Aarons123

    @NewBohemia After I kinda skimmed through some of your posts, I want to open up trade with the BDA, I am from Kinora and we are severely lacking in some resources the we need for space craft construction. Kinora cant Join the BDA as it’s on a different planet but we can provide Aid if you need it. There’s some info about kinora in my bio

    6.3 years ago
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    The croftien democracy is in full support

    6.6 years ago