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FineTuner Scaling

1,078 Sheeper  6.5 years ago

Just 2 days ago I realized you could scale entire builds using FineTuner. I understand that you have to uncheck the "scale selected parts" but when the scaling finishes and you go to use what you scaled, it acts completely differently.

I have tried changing multiple settings on scaling but none seem to make the build function the way it should. Scaling it smaller makes it incredibly unstable. Scaling it bigger makes it very VERY sluggish. So I am asking: Is there a way to scale builds and make them behave like their unscaled counterparts?

Thank you

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    @jamesPLANESii I have and it does, mass scaling any moving parts is a bad idea that often leads to unintended consequences. Simply because you haven't noticed any does not mean it doesn't happen.

    6.5 years ago
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    Mass scaling the engines doesn’t make anything go buggy. I do it all the time to balance my planes @F104Deathtrap

    6.5 years ago
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    Untick calculate mass

    6.5 years ago
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    A little optmized

    So because you had some issues after messing around with the game in a way that the designers never intended, now they need to revise their code for you, free of charge?

    +4 6.5 years ago
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    Scaling engines is fine. Mass scaling engines is a quick and effective way to turn your plane into a bug filled disaster.

    As others have mentioned, wing pieces are unaffected by scaling. The provide the same lift no matter how they are scaled, but ailerons that are 40 feet out from the centerline of your plane are much stronger than seemingly identical ailerons 2 feet from the centerline of your plane. In other words your control surfaces can be affected by scaling, but not the way you expected.

    Also, be sure to scale all 3 dimensions evenly, otherwise things get hilariously messy.

    +4 6.5 years ago
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    try disabling mass and power scaling and scale it, it should behave normally

    6.5 years ago
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    Oh and the mass and drag change as well so engine power is affected.

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    It's the wings, scaling does nothing to the lift, scale them down they still produce 1 lift etc. I add my actual wings once it's all built and scaled to size.

    +1 6.5 years ago