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Question about tagging users for credit...

30.4k Hyattorama  6.6 years ago

When I tag (just type @xxxxx ) in the description of a build, does that user get a notification? Or do I need to tag them in a comment?

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    30.4k Hyattorama

    Ah, okay, got it. Thanks for the info, that’s really helpful. It’s really important to me to make sure the right users get the credit and recognition they deserve when I use something of theirs. Especially because it’s usually something that I don’t know how to do/make. And I hope I get notified if I forget and leave someone out cause I’m always worrying about that. @Minecraftpoweer

    +1 6.6 years ago
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    it does not notify them but for credit in descriptions it shows that they helped you or let you use some part or whatever. also that helps if for some reason you have to save a plane or something as a sub and make it on a "new plane" because it shows that you didn't avoid the successor thing on purpose which would mean a ban

    +1 6.6 years ago
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    30.4k Hyattorama

    Okay, thanks! I’ve got a few comments to write haha. @randomusername

    +1 6.6 years ago