None of the xml files are working. I was trying to set all the parts of a build to disableaircraftcollisions, but when I correctly do this, the game just simply says "one or more subassebmlys could not be loaded." Furthermore, simple things like changing the name "Oval Office" to "Barack Obama" dont work because a subassebmly wont load.
Anyone got any ideas?
I am experiencing Extreme Difficulty with editing the XML files in the game
29.1k Mattangi2
6.5 years ago
And what’s the name of the progress
Umm what happened to the devil 16 no rush just wondering
@Mattangi2 yes
@Minecraftpoweer sorry, i know its been 2 hours, but can you do it now?
@Mattangi2 thats fine
@Minecraftpoweer ok, sounds good. I'll tag you in about 10 minutes, im not near my computer
@Mattangi2 i could try because im pretty used to the file itself now because it is pretty much neccesarry if i want to learn something new
@Minecraftpoweer oh, ok! You'd do that?
@Mattangi2 ok but can you upload it unlisted, tag me and i will save it and try to edit the file myself. please also tell me all that you want changed like if Everything should have disabeled collision etc
@Minecraftpoweer bro, it's over 200 parts, I ain't manually doing that.
@Mattangi2 have you tried just using overload?
Read above. That's exactly what's happening, and I dont know how to fix. @Minecraftpoweer
@Mattangi2 ok what exactly is the problem?
Click this link for xml stuff
@Minecraftpoweer in the file itself. I'm on widnws
@Tully2001 so it would look like this:
<Part disableAircraftCollisions="true" id="78" ....?
in overload or in the file itself, i might be able to help in both
@Tully2001 yes, I'm pretty sure
@Mattangi2 @Tully2001 The long wait for the anwser...
@Tully2001 any ideas except that?
@Tully2001 yes, I am doing exactly that... :((((