I recently went into high school for the first time as a freshman and I love it. One thing I don't like is there is no Wifi inside to the armored glass and bricks. I can go outside, but it's slow and drains battery. Therefore, I can't really check Simpleplanes for any notifications during school. Only after school and on the weekends. If you want to contact me, I'll try to check on the weekends.
<3, Walnut
@BaconAircraft well better to do that than boooaaaring school work
@BaconEggs I deeply regretted it. It was way too easy and we all ended up just playing fortnite in the class and still got 90+ as a class average...
Meanwhile in Canada...
Hon hon hon, what does vous think about le armored glass?
I'm sorry Pierre, but you cant hear people apologize through armored glass, eh?
Freshman. lol
@BaconEggs thanks for the info. I’ll check it out when I can.
@InternationalAircraftCompany school hours are 8:10-3:40.
If your school has it, take intro. to engineering&design next year. You wont regret it.
I’m in school rn lol
What are your school hours?
use cellular data