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Time limits...

2 HegemonyCricket  6.5 years ago

Is there a way to edit the time limits in the pre-fab training missions? For example, I am trying to use the bomb targets training mission to learn how to do it properly, but the time limit is so absurdly short that it is not of any real use as a training aid. There is no mention at all of a time limit in the mission overview. Very often the targets are so far away that there is not even enough time to fly to them before the mission is failed. This is more of a timed challenge for experienced pilots than a useful training aid for novices trying to learn the game. Personally, I see no need for a time limit on any of the training missions at all. This is a great game, but this seriously detracts from the mission's value for training.


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    44.9k DerekSP

    @HegemonyCricket Another thing you could do would be creating and spawning AI targets yourself. I personally completely suck at bombing, and fighting in general, so I can't give you much more advice...

    6.5 years ago
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    @DerekSP No, unfortunately all the targets disappear. Very frustrating and counter productive for a novice player trying to learn how to play.

    6.5 years ago
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    44.9k DerekSP

    Technically, even if you run out of time, you are still able to fly, no?

    6.5 years ago
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    Tap on another target that is closer to you.

    6.5 years ago
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    107k Kerbango

    Just wait until you start messing around with build and fly.

    6.5 years ago