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Needs a fix

684 Al3jandro6304  6.5 years ago

I was playing around with guns in the sandbox, and i noticed, that my game just crashed. literally crashed every 20 seconds. i don't know if it was because i was editing the guns too much, or anything else. just pointing it out.

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    @F104Deathtrap i have pc, plus, i might have. i made a minigun fire 1mil rounds per second...

    6.5 years ago
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    New guys game crashes after he "edits" a few things, suggests the game must be broken.

    Hmmmmm, do you think this might have been the "I increased the rate of fire beyond what my mobile device can handle" bug? Because that's not actually a bug, that's just you breaking the game.

    6.5 years ago
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    1,094 aplayer

    Maybe your setting, try to change the physic to low

    6.5 years ago