I suggest, that instead of being able to delete your account you could make it unlisted, meaning that all of your post would become unlisted and so would your account.It would work like unlisted posts do where as, if you have the URL of somebody's account even if it's unlisted, you could see their planes and everything else on their account.You could also re-open your account which would make all of your posts, planes and account listed again.
This would of course be optional,because some people just want to disappear and if someone had their account's URL they couldn't do that.
What are your thoughts on this?
@Rodrigo110 That was what I thought.
@Jetpackturtle I agree but some people might not want to delete their account but still want to disappear, whatever the case I think it would be useful.
@InternationalAircraftCompany That would be cool.
A black backgroun would be amazing and good for the battery life
Their could be a way to change whether a plane is public or unlisted after it’s already uploaded
I wouldn't. Why not just leave your account open? It would take up the same space but would be easier to access.
It would have prevented a lot of people deleting their account in a hissy fit only to regret it half an hour later and then make an alt... like almost every big account that’s been deleted.
@randomusername Yeah,it will.