@BogdanX nah bro I like the paint, I thought about having the original green paint on there but I'm still debating about having it on the aircraft, I guess will see tomorrow
@BogdanX yeah I knew it was too much for an aircraft this small, it carries it just fine but I can work something out for it, thanks for the feedback dude, anything else you'd like to add?
@BogdanX @jamesPLANESii I believe they'd be the same, but I guess will never know, they have a PA-48 In Dayton Ohio but they had it in storage some where in the museum, so I couldn't get any good pics of it when I went there for vacation
@AdlerSteiner thanks dude
all i can say is perfekt.
@BogdanX oh yeah duh black and grey
@BogdanX nah bro I like the paint, I thought about having the original green paint on there but I'm still debating about having it on the aircraft, I guess will see tomorrow
@BogdanX yeah I knew it was too much for an aircraft this small, it carries it just fine but I can work something out for it, thanks for the feedback dude, anything else you'd like to add?
@BogdanX it has to be the same as a P-51, that's basically what I used for the PA-48
@BogdanX @jamesPLANESii I believe they'd be the same, but I guess will never know, they have a PA-48 In Dayton Ohio but they had it in storage some where in the museum, so I couldn't get any good pics of it when I went there for vacation
They’re probably the same shape as a Mustang’s @BogdanX