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6,499 XVIindustries  9.4 years ago

I saw XH558 perform her last ever display today, the last thing you see is her wing waving for the last time, whilst in the background babies cry and car alarms beep :( t'was like a giant swan, an EXTREMEMLY F*ING LOUD SWAN that smelled of jet fuel, i believe it will be touring the country in the next week so if any of you have the chance to see it (by being in the UK yourself) I suggest you do... As its some thing you will never forget..

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    263 Bababooey

    @XVIindustries calm man

    9.1 years ago
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    It was a proper display lasted 15 mins, just couldn't land because the shuttleworth has a grass strip and nowhere near enough space to land a Vulcan still last airshow, and how dare you say that the shuttleworth can't hold proper airshows I'm sure my friends there would be quite angry with you if you saved that their airshows aren't really airshows, it's still an airshow, even if it does not take off and land at the same place, it did two wing overs, and multiple passes with the AVRO Anson is a coast airshow still an airshow if the planes takeoff from an inland airbase and perform over the sea probably 50 miles from base? Or is that a fly past in your mind, anyways I don't have time to argue with the ultimately arrogant @Bababooey

    9.1 years ago
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    263 Bababooey

    @XVIindustries yeah a flybye not a proper airshow i meant proper tricks stunts with red arrows that sort of thing

    9.1 years ago
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    @Bababooey -_- it was not private the shuttleworth collection is a grass aerodrome the Vulcan did a flyby display and due to ticket restraints only 3000 were able to fit in the actual car parks, look it up, i think you will find that you are wrong

    9.1 years ago
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    263 Bababooey

    @XVIindustries it mustve been privet

    9.1 years ago
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    No there were over 3000 people there... @Bababooey

    9.1 years ago
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    263 Bababooey

    @XVIindustries was it private cause im talkin about public

    9.1 years ago
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    263 Bababooey

    @XVIindustries was it private cause im talkin about public

    9.1 years ago
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    No... The last airwhow was at the shuttleworth collection.... October 4th 2015 you are thinking of another @Bababooey

    9.1 years ago
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    263 Bababooey

    @XVIindustries not its last flight but yes it was last airshow but it did a fly around the country

    9.1 years ago
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    That wasn't its last airshow @Bababooey

    9.1 years ago
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    263 Bababooey

    @XVIindustries i saw its last airshow when the wheel got jammed and the spitfire went up to check and all my dads a photiographer we watched from the golf course and were the first ppl to see it and get a picture of the wheel bent

    9.1 years ago
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    @karlosdarkness lol hahaha I suppose your right, it would be awful if a restored one crashed, but anyway they fly out of the way usually and are surprisingly agile for their size and weight, it's not like a b-52 that can't recover from a wrong turn, also they usually ionly fly at 200-300 knots

    9.4 years ago
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    @XVIindustries Bruntingthorpe have two lightnings that do fast taxi runs, well worth a trip for one of the two cold war jet days they have every year. Another flying Vulcan would be great but CAA don't like fast heavies as obviously a ten ton plane doing 500knots has a lot more potential for disaster than a half ton biplane that does 70knots on a good day.

    9.4 years ago
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    @karlosdarkness the Vulcan is at Southampton and has just had the engines put back in, I mean you should let it fly, it's not like it's a Concorde and had a design flaw, as they still fly sopwith camels and original Edwardian aircraft I'm pretty sur in the soon or far future there's gonna be either a replica or real Vulcan flying.
    The lightning will be allowed to do fast taxi runs in the UK, I believe ther are two lightnings at cranfeild airport that do that, and I Econ the victor as you say has a good chance.

    9.4 years ago
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    The project to restore the lightning will be a tough one, the campaign against aviation CAA won't let it fly in the UK as a civil operation as far as I can tell. There won't be another flying Vulcan that ship has past in the night, the Victor is a different matter, Bruntingthorpe have had there's in the air accidentally in the past few years and do regular high speed ground runs, so if they could sort the paper work it's not inconceivable that she could fly again, bear in mind some of the tankers only left service in the mid 90's

    9.4 years ago
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    @karlosdarkness lol lightning strike are the best, but one lightning isn't as loud as one Vulcan, lol also I think it depends how close you are, Old warden is grass areodrome and the crowd is a lot closer to the display area than most large air shows,
    Unfortunately if you want to see a lightning fly now you have to go to South Africa, but I think there's one in the UK being restored, I also believe they plan on getting another Vulcan and one Victor flying, cause my grandad had to give them copies of the maintainers manuals so they could complete airframe maintinece or something, if he didn't have narcolepsy and breathing disorders (from metal dust) he would be making it fly!
    I also believe that the other Dh88 comet "black magic" will be taking to the skies in the next few years, as its restoration is going well :) so even if these great planes stop flying people will always be restoring another of the type (or replicating it)

    9.4 years ago
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    215 apgclarke

    It flew over my sister's wedding reception on its last ever flight. It think they knew

    9.4 years ago
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    11.7k letsgofast11

    ¡ made a Vulcan

    9.4 years ago
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    If you think the Vulcan was loud feel the sound of a flight of Lightnings ripping up the runway, those Avon engines make your heat flutter as they zip by. That said living close to the end of RAF finingley in the early 80's you always got a good air show in your own back garden.

    9.4 years ago
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    9.4 years ago
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    Here's the display I saw on YouTube, it's crazy loud, full volume doesn't do it justice because as it goes past the ground shakes ;) @CarterIndustries

    9.4 years ago
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    8,472 Doge27

    You got so close to it! the closest I've ever been to a plane was when my grandma's neighbors flew around the house and a few times, just to show off and then it turned around and headed home lol

    9.4 years ago
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    @CarterIndustries basicly they wanted it loud when they made it, it could roar with the afterburner and whistle and scream as well, to scare those pesky soviets and then probably drop nukes on them if they ever needed to do anything, but fortunately no one nuked anyone in the Cold War and thus Vulcans were primarily flown in air shows and training round the UK so the public likes Vulcans lol, surprisingly the Vulcan can actually be louder than Concorde, unless Concorde goes supersonic...

    9.4 years ago
  • Profile image This is a good one lol, about the same distance from her as I was today, LOOOOOOOOOUUUUUDDDDDDD

    9.4 years ago
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