I mean, when someone makes a copy of your aeroplane, it’s not very good. Also you are the first to see it generally, and if you aren’t happy with how much work they have done to it, you should be able to remove it. This would also be helpful for builds which are entered into a challenge and they don’t meet the requirements.
The ability to remove the successors of your own aircraft without asking for a moderator to do it for you?
236k jamesPLANESii
6.6 years ago
No. Successors. When people modify your planes and upload them. @HypernovaHeathen
Success is actually good!
I would love the ability to remove successor links on my stuff if they are linking to my other stuff like unlisted uploads...
Well successors didn't really matter for me
I'd actually love to see more successors just in order to see how people loved our creations
i would prefer that, calling mods always scares me
@jamesPLANESii likurnewgrav
I think they would just straight up remove it!
You could ask a moderator, it is not very hard!
@Blue0Bull Yes.
It's a good idea, but anyone lacking reason might abuse it
True. :/ @TakicraftCorporation
Sounds good, doesn't work
I really like this idea, but it will cause more problems then the current system...
i think its a interesting thought but would have negative long term results. This hovers around the idea of moderating the quality of a persons upload. I think some of the uploads are ridiculous but some people are really proud of their stuff...idk just a few thoughts...
Just leave it to the mods
Neat idea but it would probably not work, i Think that some people would take it personally and get annoyed if you removed something even if you genuently thought it was unecessary and they might block you. I 100% Think that at some Point you will get blocked because……. erm… i have gotten blocked because a joke on a forum that very clearly wasn't directed at anyone and the joke wasn't offensive either.
Seems like an interesting idea. Certainly practical
It’s definitely a good thought
I actually disagree cause calling a mod isn’t that much work and I don’t think we should be able to remove ANYBODYs airplanes.