mond mond
I can't thank you guys more. My first craft to get featured turned out to be my first mech and a panzerhund at that!
Thanks to @EternalDarkness and @Tully2001 it's obvious you guys did something in this when both of you upvoted.
mond mond
I can't thank you guys more. My first craft to get featured turned out to be my first mech and a panzerhund at that!
Thanks to @EternalDarkness and @Tully2001 it's obvious you guys did something in this when both of you upvoted.
@EternalDarkness Thanks
I think Tully featured it. I wasn't able to test it when I upvoted. It was obvious from pictures it deserves an upvote, but I can't feature a build without making sure it works. Congrats on feature.