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Helicopter Challenge Results

316k mikoyanster  6.3 years ago

Helicopter Challenge Official Page

Helicopter Challenge Youtube Video

This video shows the combat test of the helicopters accepted for this challenge. All helicopters have followed the same flight route. The objective was to test their ability to destroy armored vehicles in real combat conditions.

Battle test

Targets destroyed

11 - AH-189 Crusader :: @LegnaK
9 - VX-40 :: @Texasfam04
8 - XH-525 Hellbender :: @Phenex
8 - Hallens L-5 :: @poopatron71
8 - WASP GRA.1 :: @GhostHTX
6 - AH-76 Viper :: @AWESOMENESS360
4 - Futra2240 :: @pilotred233
0 - KVA-1A Bear :: @LiamW
0 - A.H.167 Cougar :: @TheXDimension32
0 - A-6 Terror AHC :: @Botfinder
0 - SH-33 Shamus :: @doge

Final Results table

104 pts >> 96 + 8pts - XH-525 Hellbender :: @Phenex
97 pts >> 89 + 8pts - Hallens L-5 :: @poopatron71
89 pts >> 80 + 9pts - VX-40 :: @Texasfam04
85 pts >> 74 + 11pts - AH-189 Crusader :: @LegnaK
78 pts >> 78 + 0pts - A.H.167 Cougar :: @TheXDimension32
74 pts >> 68 + 6pts - AH-76 Viper :: @AWESOMENESS360
74 pts >> 74 + 0pts - KVA-1A Bear :: @LiamW
69 pts >> 61 + 8pts - WASP GRA.1 :: @GhostHTX
68 pts >> 68 + 0pts - A-6 Terror AHC :: @Botfinder
48 pts >> 48 + 0pts - SH-33 Shamus :: @doge
26 pts >> 22 + 4pts - Futra2240 :: @pilotred233


1st 104 pts XH-525 Hellbender :: @Phenex

2nd 97 pts Hallens L-5 :: @poopatron71

3rd 89 pts VX-40 :: @Texasfam04

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    How about a flying car challange? But when it’s a car, it must look like one@mikoyanster

    6.2 years ago
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    @Griffinthedragon Yes, i accept suggestions...

    6.3 years ago
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    33.2k BowtheAvali

    @mikoyanster will u be doing another Challenge soon

    6.3 years ago
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    15.3k Texasfam04

    TY for posting the results so quickly and for the fair and thorough review. Your challenges are top notch and I really enjoy them.

    6.3 years ago
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    15.3k Texasfam04

    Congrats on 1st place!

    6.3 years ago
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    4,536 Phenex

    Thanks for the challenge. Congrats to everyone.

    6.3 years ago
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    @Phenex @poopatron71 @Texasfam04 Congrats! you are the winner of the challenge!!!

    6.3 years ago
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    29.6k LegnaK

    Fourth place, I'm super happy with that :D Thank you for doing this challenge!

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    13.3k doge

    I saw u had a lot of difficulty flying mine
    I should have considered u using the mouse controls instead of keyboard whitch I designed it for
    I had yaw bound to roll to make it easy to turn on keyboard
    So the controls where way to sesitive to use for the mouse
    Also I forgot to use ur missles whitch honestly didn't help at all

    I am working on redoing the heli agian and while it obviously won't be in the challange I'll list the improvements
    Controls reworked for mouse control
    Compleetly redone tail section
    Less atrocious cockpit
    No more jet boost whitch u didn't use sadly
    Control option to fire only a couple of missles instead of all of them
    Less guns and rockets
    More missles
    Trying to implement a gun that follows ur mouse

    I can tag u when it's done if u like

    6.3 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    @mikoyanster I fly and design freestyle/race quadcopters that can change direction at 10+ G-forces easily. The problem I have with simpleplanes is that the gyro can't control separate engines; it only operates through gyroscopic effect at limited angles. I'm trying to simulate rate/acro/manual mode where the flight computer will leave the craft facing wherever you point it and simply remove vibrations and unwanted spins. Any tips?

    6.3 years ago
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    @LiamW your copter its very nice, i like It, but maneuvering It is difficult... Remember me a DJI combat drone 😉

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    Lol I did terribly. It was probably my best looking and worst flying creation. Anyone have tips on how to make helicopters/multirotors fly properly in simpleplanes? I design and fly quads in real life but can’t get them to work in simpleplanes

    6.3 years ago
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    29.6k LegnaK

    @Texasfam04 thank you! I was genuinely surprised she did so well despite to her bulk. I still don't think I'll be making another helicopter after her though lol

    6.3 years ago
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    15.3k Texasfam04

    your heli did well bud it was pretty cool watching a pro use it.

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    15.3k Texasfam04

    TY very much for posting the video, that was really neat to see all the entries go through their paces.

    6.3 years ago