Lately, I’ve seen a few posts in the forums of people asking whether they should upload stuff or not.
People, dou don’t have to ask whether you should post something or not. We do not care about what it is that you upload. As long as it is good, we will upvote it! If it is an ancient build from about a year or two ago that you’ve come across, maybe ask a few people on a discord, and have some justificationson why you possibly won’t upload it, or judge whether it is good yourself.
Also, if you ask on the forums, the answer is always gonna be YES, No matter how good/bad the build is.
Ok that’s all.
Edit: the “should I build this” posts I’m talking about are the ones that just go “Hey I’m thinking of building a car with a weird paint colour. Should I do it?” ones. Not the ones that Chancey does where he shows his ideas and asks how he could improve them and stuff, which is actually a good idea.
Edit 2: This is rendering to the yes or no posts. Not ones which have multiple choice.
Simple answer to those posts:
Who was that? @F104Deathtrap
You’re right @F104Deathtrap
Hm. Yeah, I'm guilty of this.
@AdlerSteiner NP You gotta make what inspires you. There's a guy on here that spent years making similar planes one after the other, with slight improvements. People criticized the lack of variety, but in the end he was the best maker of large aircraft on the whole site, rivaled only by TSAD.
That’s what I’m doing always now for fictional builds is drawing blueprints first @jamesPLANESii
Some one said no on my forum post, oh wait it was you :) come on its the first time I've asked and i was only asking due to load times.
@jamesPLANESii Ok thanks, just checking if my email works.
but thanks for the kind words tho, deathtrap
@F104Deathtrap You've got a special permit
Lol @FastDan
@AdlerSteiner You'd keep us afloat. You've got a special permit to spam V's for thee good reasons.
1) You're good
2) I admire your dedication
3) There is literally no way I could stop you anyway.
Hey dude, can you reply to this comment?I need to see if it gives me a notification.XD
Tl;dr "should i build it/post it" always. "Yes, dont ask you twit. Just post it."
Cool @jamesPLANESii
Those three will end the whole website...
😂😂😂who did this😂😂😂 @F104Deathtrap
Oh ok, i guess Del is good @jamesPLANESii
No. Just forums. @AdlerSteiner
Drawings are ok. I guess you can share your concept drawings on the forums so you can share and develop your ideas. Also not it’s not directed towards you. :) @Chancey21
Do stream count?
Do drawings count?
(I feel like this was directed towards me XD)
And my answer will always be
GR8 as long as long as it's not another P51Messerschmittfire