basically...ya boi got attracted to another plane...again. and kinda like repeating it for a better, or bad rebuild. so...yeah schwalbe's coming late...or it will come as same as the wurger...
kinda accurate shape...
realistic vent hole
inaccurate interior...lel
closable canopy
custom control surfaces
cockpit almost done
Gears made
if you want to be tagged...
either just comment or vote
That’s an odd explanation but ok thanks @Spitfirelad05
@AdlerSteiner 'cause u r awesome! :)
What you tag me for @Spitfirelad05
It’s actually raptors gauges but thanks@getorge
Wow, dude! Beautiful instruments!
It anton. It’s an A-8 @CursedFlames
It's clearly the Anton variant, but can you tell us which model it is specifically?
Sure @LancasterAce @F4f879
hot!!!!! tag me?
@getorge thanks, it will be out soon...
Cool, I love planes with full cockpits @AdlerSteiner
I’m actually working on it right now XD @getorge
Yay! Hollow fuselage, will you make working instruments?
Thanks, and yours too! @CoolPeach
Very nice, looking forward to seeing more!
@XjayIndustrys it's attached to the VTOL input, would that work?
The canopy caused serious buffet problems in flight so I would recommend have it attached to the ‘gear’ function :)