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Manually Editing Parts... PLS HELP

1,321 MilesTPrower  6.3 years ago

hello i have been playing simpleplanes for a while. I lost access to my old account, so i created a new one. I have been building planes recently, but i have a question about the editor. I want to know how to manually edit part properties. I know you can type weird numbers into fuselage blocks, but from some models i have downloaded in the past, like a helicopter for example, i have seen that people have managed to edit part properties that dont have text boxes. I have seen people make blades for a helicopter and edit the value to be way over the diameter maximum length allowed on slider and change HP to incredibly high values. I would like to know how to do this, and change traction values on tires to beyond limits or similar things. Please tell me how to manually edit these parts and change values on sliders. Yes I am using PC


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    3,761 stig27

    @MilesTPrower if you need help with the XML there'll be plenty of people who might help you.
    Including me.
    Also this might be useful
    XML properties

    6.2 years ago
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    1,321 MilesTPrower

    @Phoza thanks i will try this mod out! i am using pc so i can do it myself, but i will still tag you! Thanks for helping me out!

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    6,375 Phoza

    If you’re on pc/mac or android, download the overload mod. (Clickable link) It’s an in-game XML modifier that’s really easy to use. If you’re on iOS, you can ask the community to make these modded parts for you. (you can tag me if you want). Hope this helps! @MilesTPrower

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    19.5k ACMECo1940

    xml and fine tuner

    6.3 years ago