For any future update would it be possible to maybe make connections less wobbly when multiple parts are connected to one part without any rigid supports? I haven't a clue how that would work, but I have a few ornithopter ideas that I know won't work whether I am on the highest physics setting or not. If possible then that would be 👌. If not then I'll just deal with it.
@GenericWhiteGuy I don't have the answer to your problem, but if you're looking for XML stuff, you might find this useful. It contains the trade secrets for air to air cleaver missiles, amongst other things like tractor beams (making gun's impact force a negative number) and giving resizable wheels a "slower speed"/maxAngularVelocity.
@ThePrototype noted
Or instead of hinges, use rotators..... but they have there own problems
@LiamW w-wait. Those are a thing? I knew about the piston thing but nertia and damper stuff is new. Oh well thank you for letting me know :D
That's just realistic mostly. Ornithopters are typically very heavy and very twisty and don't work very well. You could try diableInertiaTensors but that could make it worse. To make rotators less wobbly, add damperMultiplier in multiples of 10 at a time until it works or gets worse (eg, 10, 100, 1000...). Try preventBreaking on pistons to make them stronger
@ThePrototype no idea if I made any sense there.
@ThePrototype You can add more pistons to one wing. For example my latest built I have 10 pistons for each wing and it can fly in low physics settings. That's not the problem tho. If I put a lot of bits and pieces on to one moving joint, then it becomes a problem and no matter how many pistons you have on one wing it will always snap.
Ornithopters often have the problem of the wings producing so much lift it messes up the flapping mechanism, I often have this problem.....
Don't even know if I'm asking this in the right place.