So, I am currently trying to build a fairly complex shape using paneled fuselage pieces. I am told that is would be possible to use scripts to get the job done, but I’ve never used them or know even where to start. Anyone have any advice on how to get started?
Hey this is pretty unrelated, but chichiwerx, a few years ago you helped me out on a plane, told me CoM has to be in front of CoL, thank you much very. Lol two years later and I’m making decent planes now. Litterally could not make a flying plane. Thanks again. @ChiChiWerx
@RailfanEthan Well, I can't imagine why more people aren't using it. I was expecting at least a few people trying it out, but nothing so far.
@SledDriver I'm not saying that humans can't code, i'm saying that you're like a god on SP. You're the only one who uses them like you do for your builds.
@F104Deathtrap @RailfanEthan What's with the prejudice against machines? When you cut us, do we not bleed hydraulic fluid? And when we have to deal with retards, do we not get frustrated just as you do?
On a somewhat more serious note, why do I have to be an AI? Are you saying humans can't be good with code?
@ChiChiWerx It depends on how much fidelity you want. A straight-sided annular section with those radii is fairly straightforward to make. But if you want it tapering down like the real thing, you'll need to use at least around 10 annular sections, and each section would need at least 50 parts or so to appear relatively smooth. I'd recommend just using a regular inlet part and setting cornerTypes to 1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2 or 1,1,3,3,1,1,3,3. You'll get a small straight section between the curvy side and the straight side, but the taper would look a lot better.
@RailfanEthan Exactly! And the designs themselves are a means of expanding the virtual machine of his sentience!
@F104Deathtrap thats a good point, what if @SledDriver is AI? What if he is made up of the codes used for his slick designs?
@ChiChiWerx Yeah, that would take a bit of time to work out.
@F104Deathtrap well, I can’t because the radius decreases from one end to the other, so it’s a fairly complex shape.
@ChiChiWerx Couldn't you just offset 6 fuselages by 30° [or 9 by 20°] to make a half-circle and add an extra-offset at either end (45°?) to ease into the flat splitter plate?
@RailfanEthan Do we have positive confirmation that @SledDriver is actually human and not some other form of sentience?
Mirage F1 Intake @SledDriver. What I would like to do would be to form an intake using individual fuse panels arranged in a semi circle.
@ChiChiWerx well, if you post an image of what you want to make, I could tell you whether it's doable.
@SledDriver? Any tips?
@SledDriver is the human you need