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Can someone help me pls?

422 MrR0botinatoR  6.4 years ago

I am making a battlebot and I'm having trouble making the weapon spin. Can someone please tell me how?

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    11.3k LiamW

    Correct @atgxtg

    6.4 years ago
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    1,516 atgxtg

    @LiamW Wouldn't he need to set ZeroonDeactivate to true as well?

    6.4 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    Download Overload mod. Using that mod, set the range of the rotator to “Infinity” and speed to “10” (or anything you want to change speed). Then set the input to “Activate1”. If you follow those instructions exactly, you should have a weapon that spins infinitely when you press 1 and deactivates when you deactivate 1

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    @randomusername well it only spins at a limited angle when I want it to be free spinning and powered by a motor like a bicycle chain.

    6.4 years ago