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A massive advantage

46.5k Minecraftpoweer  6.5 years ago

I am the leader of the SImple S Union
My troops have incaded every Island or whatever and convinced all of the defenders to join them. Now i have every troop and own every Island or whatever.
We also captured their technology which blocks all enemy missiles etc so i have officially won the wars or something and i have conquered the World.

All the troops are at my advantage.

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    @pavthepilot i literally facepalmed as har as i never had Before because i was thinking of belgian waffles… romanian waffles are probably also good

    6.5 years ago
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    420 smaug

    the Snowstone empire is neutral in this war(we are in a civil war)

    6.5 years ago
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    31.2k pavthepilot

    @BoeyingOfficial lel, this is why you don't want to live in Bucharest

    6.5 years ago
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    What, are you stuck in a traffic jam in Bucherest again? XD @pavthepilot

    6.5 years ago
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    31.2k pavthepilot

    @BoeyingOfficial maybe later, i am busy now


    +1 6.5 years ago
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    Oh yeah, you said something about that in mp to me. Also, I really wanna play mp with you again but I have to settle a few things with my brother in order to play again (A.K.A share games on pc) :/ @pavthepilot

    6.5 years ago
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    @pavthepilot Romania is a good, romanian waffles are also good… atleast look god i haven't tested them.

    6.5 years ago
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    31.2k pavthepilot

    @Minecraftpoweer lmao , the same dood told me to make my Romanian Bf-109 german because it wasn't Romanian
    In fact this things were also produced at Brasov
    And when i made a teaser of my IAR-80 and my P-51D he wanted to only be mentioned on the P-51D
    This kinda smells like racism
    My country also has a history
    At least Romania isn't a colony like Canada
    He is Canadian BTW

    6.5 years ago
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    @pavthepilot +1 follow for you

    6.5 years ago
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    @pavthepilot he blocked me when i jokingly said something along this line: "You ain't the host of the server so you ain't going to chose no rules" His post was about him making rules for a multiplayer server that he didn't host and he said stuff like no missles and no that etc and only ww2 planes.

    6.5 years ago
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    31.2k pavthepilot

    You are fighting that racist boi called Lancaster ace?
    I am on your side

    6.5 years ago
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    35.1k AdlerSteiner

    I have a’ll see XD@Minecraftpoweer

    6.5 years ago
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    @KerlonceauxIndustries yeah yeah whatever

    6.5 years ago
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    @KerlonceauxIndustries the robot generates an area of lower gravity above the arm so that it can Catch it and then it deactivates the field and throws it back

    6.5 years ago
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    @AdlerSteiner nuh ah ermm…. we have robots that Catch the bombs and throw them back and allways hit the target or something like that

    6.5 years ago
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    35.1k AdlerSteiner

    Imma just ummm
    bomb y’all and your country

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    @Squirrel it's just roleplay, they don't have to playalong with that i Control Everything and that i can't lose XD

    6.5 years ago
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    39.3k Squirrel

    @Minecraftpoweer Why does what they post concern you. They are having fun, why should you take that away from them?

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    @Squirrel i won't bother Reading that. my post was just a joke so that people would stop making these tiny unecessary forums

    6.5 years ago
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    39.3k Squirrel

    The UAC is a world superpower we don't go down easily. We allowed you to take over the UAC so we could devise a battle plan to overthrow you. We spoofed our technology with inferior components and collaborated with "your defenders" that were unhappy with your dictatorship.
    We spent months building mass weapons at a top secret location and unleashed the power of advanced intuitive AI to our advantage (one of the things we had spoofed for you). We also used it in our battle plan to work out a 100% success rate strategy, weed out potential moles and locate and target key military bases. All in the cover of darkness and without your knowledge.
    A computer virus was also created that would target and shut down and destroy all equipment that didn't possess the correct ID via wifi network. Moles that had infiltrated your military bases disguised as high ranking officers conducted updates to key equipment under your possession, effectively rendering it useless on the day of attack. Your air force, navy and other military sectors were rendered useless and limited to legacy equipment only. Your intelligence agencies were fed false information and thus were none the wiser as to what was actually going on.
    On the night of the attack, key military personnel and government officials were assassinated, and a barrage of nuclear armaments were deployed to destroy strongholds. Small nimble attack aircraft like the ES-75 were deployed to take out key runways and storage facilities, which were then closely followed by heavy bomber aircraft such as the ES-78 which were escorted by AS-1, AS-2 and AS-3 aircraft to take out the little enemy fighter aircraft that were able to take off. Following this, with the skies now cleared and the majority of enemy defences down, a wave of Stratobombers and ES-74 gunships, TS-14 tanks, AS AI Dragons and ES-81 attack/transport helicopters dropped and fired devastatingly large payloads onto any remaining areas that somehow weren't damaged by the first 2 waves.
    the majority of Simple S Union members, cut off from any hope of survival and communication with their commander are forced to surrender. Following this, your location/hideout is quickly located, where special forces delivered via ES-81 Attack/Transport helicopters are deployed. Due to sheer numbers, your last defences are taken out and you are captured mid toilet break, brought to a top secret location and put behind bars for life.
    The UAC seizes all Simple S Union assets and returns everything back to their original owners. Remaining Simple S Union assets are kept by the UAC.

    +1 6.5 years ago