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Trumpeter 1/72 Su-33 Flanker-D WIP:1

50.8k UnguidedCylinder  6.4 years ago

I'm building a battlecruiser which will probably never see the light of day but- I had a pick between this, a 1/72 F-15E or a 1/72 Su-27SM. I chose the Su-33. Got it on sunday and it's turning out quite well. I also love how it says on the instructions 'not for inexperienced modellers' because I am in fact, not much experienced with only a year of getting into the hobby.

Cockpit is fairly detailed and three waterslides are supplied for details, I decided to hand paint the control panel as the decal was too large and I forgot to buy decal setter so it looked bad. The side panel decals were better and I topcoated everything matte afterwards and not shown here, I drybushed them silver. Painting's sloppy on the front of the dashboard(?) and the seat coudl've been painted better.

Speaking of decals I struck gold and got two of the marking sheet- explains why it felt thick on the bag. I won't be using the Russian markings as I have other plans.

Here I'm masking the leading edges to paint the underside. I'm masking it to prevent myself from painting the topside as I am brushpainting. The red stuff, if you're wondering, is my alternative to putty- clay.

Yeah, good luck with that. This will also be my first attempt at painting my newly designed and very intricate and impossible to hand paint roundel which I was supposed to practice on my testbed but never gotten to do so. This will also be my first attempt at doing splinter camo. Good luck me.

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    I am making a Su-27 Flanker in 1/72 scale.

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    @UnguidedCylinder I like 1/32 for wwii planes. 1/48 on wwii fighters feels like 1/72 to me

    6.4 years ago
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    @Jengstrom I do want to start building WWII planes which in my eyes 1/48 is a good scale for them

    6.4 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    @UnguidedCylinder Revell 1/48 kits are good starter kits. Good detail, low price. What I build most

    6.4 years ago
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    @GINGER01 same here, I won’t be touching this guy for a few days or so

    6.4 years ago
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    @Jengstrom i plan to tackle 1/48 after this, probably start with a simple WWII plane or a small jet as I have no space to left, even for this to display them, and it’s my dream to build a single modern Tamiya Kit

    6.4 years ago
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    8,281 12ocketguy

    @UnguidedCylinder It's just a slow process due to school.

    6.4 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    @UnguidedCylinder what I really want to build is Tamiya's 1/32 F16CJ

    6.4 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    @UnguidedCylinder 1/72 is too toy-like for me. The best models I've built are the Revell 1/48 F-14D, and the Hasegawa F-22

    6.4 years ago
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    @GINGER01 that’s unfortunate, I hope you receive the replacement soon- I look forward seeing it complete!

    6.4 years ago
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    8,281 12ocketguy

    I'm building a Revell 1-48 P-47D Thunderbolt Razerback, however one of the fuselage parts has a defect in it so I have to wait for a replacement.

    6.4 years ago
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    @Jengstrom I only build 1/72 because it’s cheaper and smaller(though I’m pretty sure there are 1/48 aircraft that’s cheaper ad smaller than this) and I was shooked when I saw the details

    6.4 years ago
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    @RAF1 thanks! I knew flankers were large, but when I compared this to my 1/72 F/A-18E(testbed) I was blown away because it was massive

    6.4 years ago
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    136k RAF1

    Lovely! I am working through a 1/48 Flanker B and it is one monster of a kit...

    6.4 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    for 1/72 thats pretty ridiculous detail. I only build 1/48 (unless I want to make something for the little cousins to play with) and that thing is more etailed than some 1/48 builds I've done

    6.4 years ago
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    @RamboJutter will do- haven’t uploaded in a while so I’m stuck with imgur

    6.4 years ago
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    @Squirrel awesome, thanks!

    6.4 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    Fixed the images for you. Just remove the "s" in "https" so it reads "http" instead.

    6.4 years ago
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    You need to use discord for pics instead of crappy imgur.

    6.4 years ago
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    @destroyerP thanks, it also didn't work for me the first time I posted this

    6.4 years ago
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    29.2k destroyerP

    rip pictures aren’t working for me but I upvote it anyway

    6.4 years ago