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7,395 OC3LOT1142  6.4 years ago

So I discovered I can’t build for crap... can someone give me some tips on how to actually build good airplanes. (btw I’m on iOS so no mods... maybe that’s why).

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    18.2k exosuit

    Just like machines learning to do things properly

    You just try out different techniques, once you find one that suits you, you continue with it while keep making variations until you become better at it and find breakthroughs in building planes

    6.4 years ago
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    Just keep doing what you’re doing right now, you’re pretty talented

    6.4 years ago
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    18.8k NexusGaming

    @OC3LOT1142 if you want to build good planes stay away from mine they are cringe on a flying stick just kidding

    6.4 years ago
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    1,516 atgxtg

    @OC3LOT1142 Sorry, I misunderstood your post. If you want inspiration for designs I suggest you do a web search for new, novel, experimental, futuristic and exotic aircraft. Maybe something will give you an idea. Some of the newer ideas have very unusual shapes that can prove challenging to try and match in SP.

    6.4 years ago
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    7,395 OC3LOT1142

    Alright. Nice to know I’m not alone on iOS! :) @RailfanEthan

    6.4 years ago
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    7,395 OC3LOT1142

    Thanks @ACEPILOT109

    6.4 years ago
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    7,395 OC3LOT1142

    Yea... bro I know all this... I’m talking about design... @atgxtg

    6.4 years ago
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    it takes dedication to a build.
    also, when you think you're done, add more. Find something you missed.

    6.4 years ago
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    6.4 years ago
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    1,516 atgxtg

    @ACEPILOT109 Yeah, I though he was some newbie who is having trouble with his first builds.

    6.4 years ago
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    So, I just looked at your planes, and your planes airing bad! Some of them are better than mine! So just keep doing what your doing

    6.4 years ago
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    Never use the basic blocks, and read the comment under this one for loads more info. If you build via the basic block it makes your plane look terrible no matter how good it flys. Even if the plane you build via fuselage blocks sucks at flying your more likely to get upvotes/better looks.

    +2 6.4 years ago
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    1,516 atgxtg

    Sure, although you might be better goggling some basic aircraft stuff.

    Basically, there are four forces that act on a plane that you have to deal with: Gravity, Lift, Drag and Thrust.

    Gravity is the force that pulls you airplane down. The value of this force is called weight. The more weight on a plane the more it wants to come down to earth.

    Next is Lift. Lift is the force that pushes a plane upwards. The more lift a plane has the more it wants to go up. A plane gets lift mostly from it's wings moving through the air. The bigger the wings and/or the faster it moves, the more lift. Now if a plane produces less lift than it's weight, it will go down (fall). If it produces more lift than it's weight it will rise (climb). I it produces exactly the same amount of lift as it's weight it will fly level.

    Now the important bit here is that weight and lift counterbalance each other. You usually want to keep your center of lift (the blue CoL ball in the designer) behind your center of mass (weight, the red CoM ball in the designer). If Lift gets ahead of mass (weight) then the plane will be unstable and go out of control on liftoff. If lift is too far behind mass, then the plane gets nose heavy and wants to point down. If lift and mass are close then the plane might be very maneuverable, but unstable. Too close and the plane will be tail heavy and pitch up.

    Now we move onto Drag. Drag is the force of air that the plane flies through. The bigger the airplane the greater the drag force against it. Rough blocky shapes, and bits that stick out, such as landing gear increase drag, as do bigger wings. Drag increases with speed too, and not in a linear fashion. . Drag can be reduced by streamlining a plane, smoothing it out, and retracting or hiding parts behind other sections. Drag is the enemy of and counteracted by Thrust.

    Note that drag is like having someone tugging on a plane holding it back. If drag is distributed unevenly across a plane (too much on one side) then the section with more drag will move slower than the rest of the plane, causing it to turn to one side in a circle. Just how bad this will be depends on just uneven the drag is and how fast the plane is moving. What can be an irritating tendency at 100 MPH might mean a complete loss of control at 1000 MPH. So drag should be balanced out on both sides. This kinda holds true for top and bottom but it isn't usually a problem.

    Thrust is the force that moves the plane forward.
    Thrust is what

    +5 6.4 years ago
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    16.4k ThePrototype

    It doesn't matter whether you are IOS or not, it's what I use for my mechanical stuff. Look at other people's stuff, see how they are made, take them apart. Then try to build your own machine

    6.4 years ago