Ok idk I just had this random idea.
Would be pretty cool if there were birds flying around.
For the sole purpose of them accidentally flying into your engines if you're not careful enough.
A flock of birds maybe randomly around the map (not too many tho).
🤷 Just a random thought.
@ThePrototype Please do. I'd love to see that!
I can make an artificial bird XD, but seriously. I probably could
@JohnnyBoythePilot Can't help it ¯_(ツ)_/ ¯
Also, you'll probably trigger PETA to the point they'll sue Jundroo for adding birds for the sole purpose of hitting them so you can pull a Sully. XD
A few words on that: We're going to be in the Hudson...
@HistoricBirds 🤷
@GenericWhiteGuy ahhh lets get some fresh air * opens canopy and stands up* ooh whats that spec in front of me??? ooh its growing! * splat!!!!* owwwwww!! why are there feathers in my mouth!!?!?
@HistoricBirds "Hmm. That engine didn't have a bird in it a second ago. The world truly is a wonderful place"
@GenericWhiteGuy * hmmmm what is this red stuff on my windshield???*
@HistoricBirds To each their own.
yeh!!! ooh! what if you could shoot them???!?!?!
@BACconcordepilot Yeah something along the lines of that would still be pretty cool.
@Chancey21 uhh, yes.
Sully 2
@GenericWhiteGuy if you see a bunch of birds staring to the west you're gonna notice it
It would be interesting to have them splatter every where XD
Lol nope XD @RailfanEthan
@RailfanEthan Why and how does one notice in which direction a seagull is laying on the beach?
speaking of birds, has anyone noticed that seagulls always lay down on beaches facing west?
@CursedFlames understandable.
And uhh. Fried birds, anyone?
@GenericWhiteGuy I thought we were just listing suggestions lol.
Then again, shooting the birds wouldn't be a bad idea to clear a flock...
@CursedFlames idk what that has to do with birds, but I like that idea.
One suggestion that I think would be simple to do and look nice would be bullet holes!
May decrease performance with too many though, so adding a despawn with too many or after some time wouldn't hurt.
@F104Deathtrap that'd sadly mean that I'd have to have air traffic on. And my phone wouldn't like that. But that's an idea that could be done. But having ATA missiles locking on to birds seems a bit cruel. But hey. T-that's life. ? Yes
Someone could probably make this without mods. I forget the parameters for making a plane that will randomly spawn, but if someone made a "flock of birds" plane that met those specs, it would randomly appear like other aircraft sometimes do.