A Bug Has Plagued This System
I have experienced some bugs with the rotators and the hinge rotators. No matter what I do, it will wiggle and hinge on a moving ship I try to make. It acts as though it is in free rotation when in actuality, it has limits to its degrees of freedom.
tl;dr rotators keep wiggly wobbity on ever watercraft I try to make. am I the only one who got this bug?
@randomusername ok thx, but again I’m on iPhones so I can’t change the options to include vtol up and vtol down.
it did not work
nvm it works
@randomusername And how do I use pistons to rotate a turret?
@randomusername It was a ship I downloaded that was like gargantuan and around 1,000,000 mass
@randomusername tried, nothing. In fact, previously working turrets that have worked are now malfunctioning.
@ClarkSpernato Additionally, I never had this problem before for such a tiny turret.
@randomusername I am on mobile. I don’t have access to damperMultipliers since iOS does not support this