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Yay! 3k

4,109 JetFly  6.3 years ago

Thanks everybody who upvoted my posts, who helped me to reach this important milestone. It was a painful 2.8 years of upvoting and seeing that almost every player that been here for 1.4 years is now a gold or platinum. And realizing that I'm doing my best really bothers me, I'm trying not to think about that, Let's be honest, reaching 3k for me is fricking awesome. I'd like to say thanks to @QingyuZhou, @tsampoy, @RailfanEthan and many others people which I could not remember the name. Sorry about this. I just..just couldn't
Thanks. Now I look forward into getting 4 and 5k. People may say that "hey, it's not that much, why not use standart milestones like 1000, 2000, 5000, 10k and so on", but for me even getting another hundred points is a large holiday. Thanks for reading, wish you luck, saying thanks for upvoting and commenting and now I'm about to get drunk.