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Graphics Devs Interrogatives: Fog/3D Objects/Fog/Shaders/NormalTextures

49.2k Wogchamp  6.3 years ago


How can I fix 3D objects not correctly reacting to fog?

I have many many maps that have tons of 3D objects in the works, but when I'm testing said mod, the objects do not blend into the terrain in foggy conditions. They appear in full colour and lighting when far away from the camera. Is there a way to fix this?

Also, my normal mapping on textures in Unity have more visual range than in-game. In Unity, I can see my larger scaked normal textures from kilometres away, in SP, they appear only flat textures until about 100m away.
Is there a way I can increase the draw distance on normal textures, and perhaps albedo as well?

For grass objects, I have used cross meshes in the tree prefabs to make the grass density more believable, however, anything under the tree prefabs appears as a white or black texture when in SP. I belive it may be caused by the speedTreeLeaves/bark shaders being used outside of speed trees, but I'm not 100% sure. If I use the standard shader, it doesn't appear as grass in Unity and the Alpha in the grass texture appears as a green background.
Is there a way for me to use this type of grass still?
The automatic tree prefab LOD feature is really nice and streches further than default grass, I'd still like to use this for 3D objects.

But wait, theres more...

Finally, Is there a faster/more efficient way of placing waypoints for the convoy? I'm currently placing a cube and disabling all rendering and colliders for the waypoints.

Sorry for the freakin essay, but these problems are stopping me from publishing, and I figured you guys knew the most about the way SP mods perform.

Thanks for reading this far,


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    39.2k Squirrel

    @DuckMint Like I said before, have you tried changing the layer?

    6.3 years ago
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    49.2k Wogchamp

    @Squirrel So, is there any way to get rid of the fog problem, because even solid colours and untextured objects display incorrectly

    6.3 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @DuckMint Maybe check the layers the objects are placed in. By default, putting things in the terrain layer is a good place to start. Also, like @WNP78 says, check the materials you're using and try to avoid anything related to making your object translucent or transparent. I tried changing the water colour in an area using a transparent plane, but it resulted in the object not fading out with the fog, which just looked horrible when the terrain faded out. Ultimately I had to get rid of it as it was an "all or nothing" scenario.

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    49.2k Wogchamp

    @WNP78 every object I place is visible through fog for me, buildings, 3D models of bridges, any 3D object really

    6.3 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    If anything has a transparent shader set that will not usually render properly with fog. So make sure it's set to "opaque" (even if it's got alpha set to 255, it still count as transparent if that mode is set.

    6.3 years ago
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    49.2k Wogchamp

    Maybe you? I know you have made some incredible map mods

    +2 6.3 years ago
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    49.2k Wogchamp

    @PhilipTarpley I think perhaps you know most about SP modding?

    +3 6.3 years ago
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    49.2k Wogchamp

    I'm sorry, if I'm disrupting your black liquorice eating session ;)

    +4 6.3 years ago
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    49.2k Wogchamp


    +2 6.3 years ago