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Ramble about personal issues and gripes with the game.

71.5k MintLynx  6.4 years ago

Simple planes has grown to be a more and more polarizing game in my mind the more I've played it. There's a lot I enjoy, building the structure of a plane out of fuselage blocks, XML modding to create different effects, even playing around with the gizmos which are probably the best parts in the game.

Yet the more I've played it the more I've grown to be annoyed and even downright frustrated by certain parts of the game. I do not like the attachment system, it's often very picky about how and where you place an object and it sometimes feels like you have to trick the game into letting you put a part where you want it.

Another thing I don't like is the system of selecting objects with the curser. Sometimes it can get ridiculously fiddly to the point where it's nearly impossible to select an object that's right in front of my face.

Oooh and glitches....the undo-redo function is so broken that I avoid using it as much as I can. Sometimes redoing when I want it to undo and sometimes undoing/redoing multiple actions on just one click and sometimes working right and undoing/redoing only one action. The mirror aircraft function is also broken enough to discourage me from using it.

A more recent glitch I found causes rockets to go several times their normal speed just from being inside a fuselage. It's a ridiculous glitch that I have no idea what kink in the physics could be causing because it's not my design as the rockets torps work just fine when placed outside.

Sometimes the drag system can break, leaving a perfectly symmetrical aircraft with unequal drag on one side.

The thing that annoys me most though, these would be nitpicking if this game was a beta. But it's not, it's a three to four year old game that feels anything but polished given that time. It feels like the devs have all but abandoned the game when it was unfinished to make simplerockets. Putting ads for it in literally every category doesn't help with that feeling. I'm not mad that they're making another game and not updating SP, I'm mad that they made another game while leaving SP unfinished.

I know they're a small dev and everything, but it just seems wrong at the very least to go off on another project when your previous one still needs some work. I don't hate this game, I do really love what can be done on this game and think it has a lot of potential. The potential to be something on the level of KSP with its community and the builds/mods people make. And yet it feels like the Devs would rather all but leave this game to make a wannabe KSP...

To sum it up I really enjoy this game and find myself drawn again and again to the builder and what can be created. Yet the builder seems so incomplete and unpolished that it sometimes feels punishing to think outside the box where if weird design in the builder doesn't stop you a glitch will.

Just a ramble of opinions, I really see a lot of potential in this game despite some claims that it's 'dying'. From battleships to mechs it is beyond a simple plane builder, yet it feels like it'll never get the completion and attention it deserves. Feel free to disagree or debunk or whatever.

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    @Rodrigo110 that would work

    6.4 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    I just said that all they needed to implement was a feature where you can play in game modes with friends. I said in the comment that supporting 1 or 2 people would be enough @MrSilverWolf

    6.4 years ago
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    @Rodrigo110 still think MP wouldn’t work in SR2 either, same reason, too much lag and trolls, honestly MP isn’t as great as it originally appears, trust me
    From my experience from MP games and the MP mod for SP, it’s just filled with trolls and lag, that’s just with only 5 to 7 people, add it as a stock thing in game and I would assume around 30 people at any given time, so assuming that none are trolls, and that they are all in 300 part builds or less, the lag would still be absurd, but the thing is there will always be those trolls and people in 2,000 part builds, so really MP isn’t that great, it’s just full of lag and trolls and that’s just with 7 people, not 30, it would just be ridiculous and unplayable at that point with 30 people
    And I’m going to go as far as to say you actually don’t want MP as a stock feature in the game
    Yes you can fly with friends but only for 10 sec before getting rammed or nuked or have your game crash due to the 30 people in 800 to 2,000 builds, MP just won’t work, and it would be un-fun with all the lag, crashing and trolls
    So again trust me, MP is something you don’t want as a stock feature in game

    6.4 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    I know that, but when they started making SR2 they didn’t even learn from their mistake and rewrite it to be able to accomodate MP. @MrSilverWolf

    6.4 years ago
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    @Rub3n213 hmmm...

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    10.9k Rub3n213

    Making minecraft blocks are the future lol @randomusername

    +2 6.4 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs

    @SupremeDorian been already over a year

    6.4 years ago
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    SP is still being updated, actually. Version 1.8 will come out some time next year.

    6.4 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    @MrSilverWolf I've sadly had an experience much like that when I went on Simpleplanes MP with a friend. People popping on with 1k part builds, and continuously bombing my friend on the airfield.

    @Kerbango Well glad to not be alone, or an unusual case.

    6.4 years ago
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    Not to mention that the game lags enough with 7 people in 200 parts builds enough as is, add MP as stock in game and you would get maybe 30+ people in 2,000 part builds being trolls and the lag would just be totally ridiculous

    6.4 years ago
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    And I have the MP mod and to be honest it’s not as great as MP seams at first
    “Have fun by flying with your friends!”
    joins MP, gets tactically nuked instantly
    gets rammed repeatedly by a 2,000 part 747 till the game crashes or freezes for 20min
    never ending trolls

    +2 6.4 years ago
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    @Rodrigo110 because they would have to rewrite the whole game to have MP in SP

    6.4 years ago
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    4,109 JetFly

    the only bugs here is that sometimes parts does not attach; things on joints wobble if joint mass(i mean rotator mass etc.) is too low and sometimes it's very tricky to attach a pars because part snaps not to the place you need, also fuselage blocks connect only if rotated properly(idk how to explain)

    6.4 years ago
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    Yeah. Or maybe even a LAN style multiplayer on mobile to play with only your friends in the room. @Rodrigo110

    +3 6.4 years ago
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    And the issue with the undo button, the thing I don’t like about is is when you undo a step, then you do one thing, and undoo again, it undoes to the step you undid previously, and then it completely forgets the step that you did before the step before the step you undid and it ANNOYING!!!!

    6.4 years ago
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    107k Kerbango

    Frustration in the game...hmmm

    6.4 years ago
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    107k Kerbango

    @jamesPLANESii I think he was meant to say was he was upset that the developers abandoned simpleplanes to go build KSP clone.

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    Also I agree that it seems that SP is a bit unfinished. There are several bugs I the game that haven’t been fixed since 1.0, such as sometimes on mobile when you drag a part into the editor the game doesn’t hold the part and it isn’t dragged, which can be incredibly frustrating when you’re doing minor details.

    +2 6.4 years ago
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    I think SP is nothing like KSP. The concept is similar where you build stuff from parts and see if it works, but that’s the end of the similarities. SP is more of a 3D modeling art game. Most of the stuff is for the aesthetics and all that, where KSP is a science game and to be honest the crafts generally look ugly and they can’t be repainted.

    +3 6.4 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    What I’m angry about is the fact that they missed with the chance of multiplayer with SP, and then didn’t learn from their mistakes with SR2. All I want is a 3v3 battle mode with 10-15 part AI planes and just one (or two if your PC is good) online friend. I would love that so much, but it’ll never happen now. I can’t believe that after all this time and after so many people asking for any kind of multiplayer they still haven’t added it. I’m shaking my head honestly.

    +5 6.4 years ago