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How does the point system work?

711 SchrodingersOliver  6.4 years ago

How exactly? What’s with the bronze, silver, gold, what points do you need to get that, and any hints on how to get lots of points for builds? What builds are most popular?

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    @Kerbango my dood knows whats up

    +1 6.4 years ago
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    107k Kerbango

    @Andrewtheplane @oliveCLONE600 you can make replicas but they take lots of time and lots of criticism on the finished product. If you use your own imagination to build your own creations you can turn out a lot more faster and no one can criticize you. Eventually you will have a following. And you will get lots of upvotes every time you upload a plane car or boat or rocket

    +3 6.4 years ago
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    +1 6.4 years ago
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    101 points for bronse
    1,001 points for silver
    5,001 points for gold
    25,001 points for platinum
    Tip: build replica planes not your own made up planes and make teasers when your almost done

    +3 6.4 years ago
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    16.4k ThePrototype

    2 points per upvote on a forum, 15 points for an upvote on a build, and I believe mods are 20 points per upvote

    +1 6.4 years ago