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Just some ideas...

469 IraMcgee  6.3 years ago

I know you guys have been focused on simple rockets 2, but there need to be more updates to simple planes. For example, realistic flaps (part), a realistic cockpit, parts for airliners ( engines with reverse-thrust, airliner cockpits, realistic cabins, windows) and even things like better ai and auto pilot. Also, there needs to be an update that introduces a city airport or an airport with houses. Maybe it could replace bandit or snow stone, or even the race track area. These updates, if created, need to be available on IOS and Android, along with pc.

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    Lmao all you need to do is put a air brake on your wing if you need to lose airspeed

    6.3 years ago
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    469 IraMcgee

    @randomusername: I know what a stall is, but flaps also give pilots the ability to lose airspeed as well as stop a stall. Also, sorry about insulting your builds. I downloaded a couple of your planes and they were pretty good. Also, many users that only focus on airliners have flaps that work to prevent stall and slow airspeed without using xml mods. I play on IOS however, so I can’t xml mod my wings to have flaps like @DPSAircraftManufacturer said. Also, @bjac0 thanks for telling me about the autopilot on pc, I didn’t know about that. Well, sorry everyone I meant to say what I thought about future updates but I ended up getting lit up so sorry

    +1 6.3 years ago
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    57.4k bjac0

    @IraMcgee also, theres no need to insult someone's hobby.

    6.3 years ago
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    57.4k bjac0

    @IraMcgee there is actually an autopilot feature in the game, there just isn't an input to activate it on iOs, you can however use it on pc and mac.

    6.3 years ago
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    469 IraMcgee

    Also, your not that great either FYI

    +2 6.3 years ago
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    469 IraMcgee

    Here’s the thing, I have a life and don’t spend all the time on sp, so I haven’t figured out flaps yet. Also, autopilot isn’t a thing, it’s called a modded gyroscope, which technically isn’t actuall auto pilot. Like I said before I just don’t spend a lot of time building. But I can at least build decent planes

    +2 6.3 years ago