Hay everyone you may have already heard of the T-X competition, but if not I will give you the basics of the competition. Well the Air Force was looking for a new jet or plane to replace their ageing fleet of T-38 Talons, so the government set up a T-X competition. Boeing and Saab teemed up together and produced the (T-X), Lockheed Martin made the (T-50), Leonardo made the (T-100), and there were a few others. Here is what the web has to say about the T-X Program. So I am supper excited to see this ne trainer jet come into production, the T-X is a very nice design, Boeing and Saab did a very nice job. Here is some updates on the T-X Trainer.
Hope you all like this post :-) :-)
@AWESOMENESS360 Yee, im a mess
@AGKxCREW oh wow
@AWESOMENESS360 Bout an hour, im severley schizophrenic so i just started and then boom i was done and before i knew it i wrote a book
@AGKxCREW omg how long did it take you to type that
Lockheed doesnt deserve the contract anyways. I worked at the base for many years and they have no loyalty to their employees. They lay people off and have the remaining work twice as hard. Im glad boeing won.
Yep :-) :-) @JohnnyBoythePilot
I'm actually very happy the Boeing/Saab bid won because it means the St. Louis plant will remain open well into the future. The Boeing MQ-25 will also be built in St. Louis. The T-X and MQ-25 were major wins for Boeing.
It would have been hilarious if the T-100 won, because it's based off the M-346 and the M-346 is basically a westernized Yak-130.
So the USAF and the Russian Air Force would pretty much have been flying the same designs as trainers. XD
@JED T-100 is Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master renamed for the contest, and M-346 is a development of Yak-130 with Western engines and electronics.
@EternalDarkness yep Leonard thought thet ever so slitly modernising it and changing the name would get them the spotlight, but the airforce wasnt stupid, they now what the Yak-130 looks like, and they know verry well, plus it want the most reliable of aircraft by todays standards, the airforce is looking for fresh meat, a new face to join its rankes Whilst the T-X is a brand new concept much like many of Boing's models, but they have built identical sucsessors of most if not all models, but thats due to boing's history, each one identical or new where all uniqe and just got better and better, it was that good kind of repitition that gave them there reputation (dat wurd plae tho) and respect unlike lockheed and Leonard with all there designs resembling and preforming almost exactly alike eachother, but lockheed built the B-34 a bomber....with primary armament that the pilot could fire himself because it was so versitle and agile even though being the size of a small house it was more than capible of engaging in a head to head dog fight with a FIGTER! AND WIN! IT STRUCK FEAR INTO THE EYES OF THE ENENY WHEN SEVERAL 20MM CANNON SHOTS WIZ BY AND TOTALY ANNIHILATE THE PILOT AHEAD. And as the misguided pilot looks around trying to spot the flak cannon that shot down his friendly he spots and enemy bomber moving in his direction......very...very, quickly "Möge Gott meiner Seele barmherzig sein!" Says the pilot of this BF-109 because he is now being pursued by a bomber, that is fireing at him and hiting him with the forward facing stationary 20mm cannons, the pilot preformed an evasive manuver to try and flank the large sky boat, as he realigns with the horizon he notices that the enemy plane has vanished, so he then begins to rise back to his previouse altitude and lowers the throttle to a cruising speed, but as the rpms lower he notices the sound of his engine is getting louder thinking it had been damaged but it was fine the shots only struck his tail and left wing puncturing the fule tank but the fule tank in his wing, that was probably why, the engine was probably wasnt receiving enough gas due to the large puncture in the tank...wait...no...it cant be the fule tanks, the emergency counter mesurses have already resealed any breaches in the tank, hmm the cockpit seals might be..nope their fine, oh or maybe its (registers sound in head) ..... not...his...engine at all.......... "SCHEISSE! Es ist der amerikanische Bomber! Wie ist es dahin gekommen?Keine Mühe, ich werde es mit Leichtigkeit erledigen." Says the pilot. Even though his efforts will be moot, a bad judgment call. "SAGST DU!" says the pilot. Umm okie, weird. Who's he talking to. "DU!" says the pilot. Uuuuuuuuuum perfect timeing or "Ich höre alles, was du sagst, du amerikanischer Schweine! Es hat wahrscheinlich keinen Zweck, mit Ihnen zu sprechen, Sie verstehen die Zunge des reinen arischen Blutes nicht." Said the pilot. Du verstehst doch Englisch. "WAS WIE?!" Said the pilot. Vor allem bin ich kein Amerikaner, ich wurde in Irland südlich von Dublin geboren und Deutsch war meine Muttersprache. nicht Englisch oder Gälisch, Deutsch. oh and before you insulte someone make shure they dont have the ability to decide your fate you facist slave. tschüss tschüss. "WARTE, NEIN!" Said the doomed sky pig. Oh ja, zum Teufel gehst du. And the pilot was shot "DIRECTLY" in the head by a cannon shot and the plane went supernova and killed all of the nazi army.
Then Boing built the B-17 Flying Fortress and its sucsessor the B-29 Super Fortress.
Well cool spaghetti
I was wondering way the T-100 looked so familiar to me, it makes sense now, now that you mention it it does look like the Yak-130. @EternalDarkness
T-100 was refused for the sole reason of actually being Yak-130 XD
Meh, eveybody knows best trainer fatory is CASA
I think that is one of the reasons the Air Force picked the T-X, the design was a new design (unlike Lockheed Martin and Leonardo who based/modified their designs off of already existing aircraft) @Tully2001
I know right, I am so happy that Boeing won the competition :-) :-) @Chancey21
Very cool trainer!