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Status Report

31.2k pavthepilot  6.3 years ago

I haven't been active for a while and unfortunately i won't be building anything because i don't have the time
I have updated my biography:

I added two new users to cool people

I added links to work in progress

(i can't finish those planes so there is no point in keeping them secret)

My life

My life right now is not that bad, it is actually pretty good but, i don't have all the time to build like i had during summer


I cracked the screen protector i have on my phone
My phone fell on the floor from 1 meter
And a crack appeared on the screen
I knew a phone that can survive a fall from 2 meters on asphalt can't break from that but you can never be sure so i decided to remove the screen protector and see if the screen Is damaged
The screen wasn't damaged!
However the when i wanted to replace the screen protector with a new one i figured out that the new one i had was a back protector, not for screens
So i decided to put the broken protector back
Now it looks like crap but at least i know my screen is safe
I will get a good replacement soon!
If you want to know what phone i am talking about just click this

About discord :

Unfortunately i don't have time to do anything to revive the Wingmen however I you can still contact me on discord

Tag: Pavthepilot#6943

About SPMP :

I ocassionally connect to the server but so we might meet there
Sadly i ussually can't go mp when i am asked to


Bye for now, i will see you when the Christmass holidays come

this is not an "i am leaving post" so please don't treat it like one of those and if you think this post is crap, i ussually don't make this kind of posts but this time i need to why i haven't been active

Maybe you check those links in my biography, those are planes i worked hard on and i would like to get some feedback
(those links i am talking about are links to unlisted posts so i am not begging for upvotes
you can't upvote unlisted posts)

Bye again