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Device help

2,689 Swiftsure  6.2 years ago

For next year i have been given the option of the new iPad pro, a surface pro 6 or the MacBook air 2018. It is for school and I personally prefer the iPad, while my parents want to get the macbook. (I don't want a MacBook)

What do you guys think?

It's for school

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    2,689 Swiftsure

    @Squirrel I haven't got it yet due to the exchange rate unfortunately but have been keeping close eye on it

    6.1 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    nothing to see here

    6.1 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    Interesting that you said that without tagging me. @Squirrel

    6.1 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Swiftsure lol, I feel like that's a good choice. Have you got it? And if so how are you finding it?

    6.1 years ago
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    2,689 Swiftsure

    @Squirrel pretty much, I'm going with the surface pro

    6.1 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    case closed

    6.1 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    Is that serious?
    1. Is clearly a bug that will be fixed in a week or two (as it literally states at the bottom)
    2. Is part of the same bug. My brother has an iPhone 6 and it has never had any problem with overheating or battery life
    3. Basically the tech version of propaganda. With a title worthy of buzzfeed clickbait “is Apple falling from its previous heights?!” It states a bunch of things which are just blown out of proportion. Yes a couple of MacBook keyboards stopped working because they got a few crumbs under them. So what? They replaced them and fixed it in the next generation. It also says the MacBook Pro i9 has overheating problems; but they were patched a while ago... I can’t say I’m surprised that a generic “what’s happened to Apple!?” website has got its facts wrong. The last video highlights what I think is the worst part about Apple; and that’s dodgy employees and overpriced things. However, I don’t think that entirely represents customer service. Sometimes, like in my case (luckily) I’ve got an iPad replacement for free, but others seem to have a bad experience. I’m not sure why that is, but I think it must be just which employee you get at the Apple shop. Anyway, stop saying case closed and showing me tech propaganda articles. We can respect each other’s opinions, but the whole argument can’t simply be put down because you think you’re right.

    6.2 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    Uh, no. It’s not ‘case closed’, the update could not have caused CPU throttling or nerf battery life, they are polar opposites of what the update does. It limits the CPUs power so it can’t throttle, and it increases battery life. The antennae is a problem, but selling explosive phones, taking them off the market and then selling explosive phones again sounds like more of an issue to me. Apple laptops can definitely keep up from 2010. They can still complete adequate web browsing, media consumption and word processing in 2018, which is definitely keeping up. I didn’t mean they’re powerful (they’re obviously not), but they can still complete basic tasks which would make them usable for a student or someone like that. @Squirrel

    6.2 years ago
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    @Rodrigo110 I have said nothing false. I said they charge premium prices for mediocre hardware that they themselves don't even manufacture. This is demonstrably true. When I owned a Macbook, it was more expensive than any of the Toshiba or Dell laptops for sale at the store where I got it, despite lacking a solid state hard drive or even a dedicated GPU. Iphones used to use very nice Wolfson sound hardware, but they swapped that out for cheaper, lower grade chips a long time ago. Mediocre hardware, premium price.

    6.2 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Rodrigo110 Your statement about the OS updates is objectively false and very misleading. The updates to the iPhones actually resulted in the batteries overheating, which caused the CPU to throttle and thus slow the device down as well as basically nerf battery life. My friend had an iPhone that she updated to the latest OS and that's exactly what happened, even after a factory reset. In fact, this very behavior resulted in her phone forcing restarts. This is from a device that was clearly working okay before the update. Sure, it could have been a one off case, but since numerous people had the same issue, it's pretty clear that this was a widespread and serious problem with the devices. so a "10%" decrease in performance is incorrect to say the least when it essentially made the phone unusable for anything remotely intensive like moderate gaming or multitasking.
    Even then apple still have poor insight into the use of their products. Case in point with an iPhone they released with antenna problems. When customers complained about sudden signal drop, they replied with "you're holding the phone wrong". Does that sound like legitimately good business practice to you? Is it acceptable to blame the majority of your user base for something the COMPANY did wrong?
    And no, apple laptops cannot keep up. Like I stated previously, the hardware specs have vastly increased since 2010. To compare them to today's products is like saying a hare and a tortoise run at similar speeds.
    Case closed.

    6.2 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    I don’t want to buy a device for the brand, and I never have; and I don’t take insults to Apple personally, I just feel as though when somebody insults something with false facts I need to say they’re wrong. I completely understand why someone wouldn’t use Apple, but you don’t need to insult and make up things about it to justify getting something else. You could just say “it’s not my cup of tea.” And I would respect your opinion and move on. It’s when people make up ridiculous arguments about Apple that it irritates me. @F104Deathtrap

    6.2 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    Apple devices have a longer lifespan because of the custom made OS, materials and specs. I’m not talking about 2010 windows laptops not working, I was talking about them not being able to keep up in 2018 (which some Apple laptops can). I also just want to point out that this entire controversy surrounding the slowing down thing is entirely unwarranted. 99% of people who use iPhones don’t really know about technology, but want their phone to work. If they didn’t slow the phone down a bit it would suffer unexpected shutdowns and basically kill the battery, which would be much more annoying that a 10% decrease in performance. Anyway, it’s not as if it you can’t turn it off, it’s an easy switch in the settings.@Squirrel

    6.2 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Rodrigo110 I think you twisted my words a bit. I stated that one of the reasons windows laptops/computers appear to get more viruses is because there are more of them.
    Apple isn't far more secure than other OS platforms. At least from a stock point of view (a routed android device obviously has more potential to be hacked, etc). I had a few friends and university who stated that it was just as easy to plant a virus onto one or the other. To clarify they studied software, coding, etc. So, I feel they're more educated on the subject than both you and myself. So, to say apple is objectively more secure Purley from an OS point of view is nonsense.
    And yes, there is a lot of articles and videos out there from reputable sources which confirm that apple products tend to have a shorter lifespan than competitors. I'll be more than happy to link them if you're interested in watching/reading up on them. In fact there was a huge problem a couple months back with apple being caught deliberately and needlessly slowing down legacy devices.
    And I've seen numerous laptops from pre 2010 that still work. In fact I own one. It's currently under my bed gathering dust, but that's because it's not powerful enough (due to hardware limitations at the time it was manufactured) to do the 3D modeling, rendering, etc that I perform on my current laptop and computer. To be extra clear, an apple product of the same age and specs would also have the same limitations.
    To be extra clear, I'm not trying to take a royal dump on apple. They have a great product ecosystem, their OSs are well optimised and simple and they do have products such as their iPads which have great build quality.
    But like all companies they are flawed and in my personal opinion, their flaws outweigh any benefits for me. But then my priorities and usage are different to yours. Hence why I made it clear in my original comment that I can't make the decision on behalf of the OP.

    6.2 years ago
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    @Rodrigo110 As I said, if you want to pay extra for a name brand, that's fine. I just don't understand why some people get personally offended by complaints against Apple.

    6.2 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    Stop treating anyone that likes Apple like they’re part of a cult. Apple annoys me sometimes which their ridiculous prices; but overall I think they make great products and when I’ve used androids, it just feels so empty compared to my iPad. @F104Deathtrap

    6.2 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    That is absolutely not true. Windows devices do not get viruses because there’s more of them; it’s becahse apples OS in laptops and mobile devices is far more secure than windows and android. That’s simply a technological fact, you can’t argue it. Windows obviously has advantages as well (like gaming support) as well as android (more customisation), things aren’t ever one sided.

    Also, do you seriously think Apple devices have a short life cycle? They are literally renowned for lasting for a really long time; which is why you see so many Apple laptops from 2010 still functioning in today’s society. I don’t think you’d see a windows laptop from 2010 still keeping up in 2018. @Squirrel

    6.2 years ago
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    26.7k FishMiner

    @F104Deathtrap, not so fun fact- the part of the brain that lights up when someone recognizes a deity, also lights up when an apple fan see's an apple product.

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    @FishMiner Yeah, Apple has done a great job of marketing itself as a lifestyle instead of a company that assembles 3rd party computer hardware. Just like politics, fewer and fewer people are interested in looking behind the curtain and figuring out how it works.

    +2 6.2 years ago
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    26.7k FishMiner

    @F104Deathtrap, your part about offending his religion isnt that far off...

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    @Rodrigo110 Antivirus software is a thing. I use it. Anyway, if you feel like buying a Kia for the price of a Porsche, that's not my business. I've owned PC, Mac, and Android devices. As a person who spends his own money, I just wanted to share with you what I know from personal experience. Apple makes expensive devices that are made with low grade hardware, I've been burned enough times. Sorry to offend your religion or whatever.

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    39.2k Squirrel

    @Rodrigo110 you also tend to get a lot of ""broken"" Apple devices in repair shops. They use lousy joining methods and bad soldering which result in bad connections and other things.
    You see more windows PCs with viruses simply because there is a lot more of them. Having an apple device doesn't make you invincible to viruses.
    Besides there are a lot of other factors to consider. Apple devices in comparison to others tend to have a shorter product lifecycle than your typical product. Which also means they're less likely to get viruses that way.
    I've been using windows for as long as I can remember. I've never had a virus, because I have a thing called common sense which tells me not to do stupid things on the internet which would put a virus on my computer. A shadey email? Delete it. Questionable website? Don't go on it.
    You also have to remember a lot of the older generation aren't computer literate and when they get a device, they usually get something cheap and cheerful (basically not apple). They're obviously more prone to getting viruses than you average user.
    In conclusion. There's nothing wrong with a windows computer. What you observe in a repair shop isn't as simple as you make it out to be and your observations are effected by things like quantity, affordablness and user experience. You can't blame Microsoft or windows for those things.

    +6 6.2 years ago
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    2,689 Swiftsure

    @Squirrel thanks for your advice, I appreciate that. I definitely agree with the comments about buying apple and the added 'trendy factor'

    6.2 years ago
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    2,689 Swiftsure

    Guys, sorry about this but I forgot to put down that it is for school, (I'm moving into ATAR) hopefully that doesn't change your opinion too much

    6.2 years ago
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    15.1k Rodrigo110

    This is one game. Are you seriously saying you’d like to compromise your devices security for a video game. How often have I seen people come into my dads shop with windows PC’s with viruses. A lot. I’ve never seen an Apple device with a virus yet though. @F104Deathtrap

    6.2 years ago
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