On the 14th November 97 men went missing on a routine training excerise around simplelandin territory. search party's were sent out but recovered nothing.
on the 23rd November 3 gunshots were herd near a miltery base near wright. airport a emergency was declered. half a hour later a personal register was taken. All but 2 people showed up a search was issued they found watchmen in tower 2a and 2b with gunshot wounds to the head. A message was later found on the walls between the towers it reads:
"It's no use fighting it"
Currently all bases in Wright are on high alert
Anyone with info is to dial the support line.
We are currently yet to hear anything from any simplelandin pact countries.
@TheChosenOne thank you
I will send my best fighters immediately. We will find the people who have committed this act of war.
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck no I am President of the croftien democratic isles
@LancasterAce thank you for assistance
@RailfanEthan 97 people went missing in a earlier incident
@LancasterAce croftien democratic isles just off the coast of Wright past of simplelanda
when u shoot 3 bullets and kill 97 people